the black mustang as he moved along.
“PIG. Serve and protect? If I were a dogface, little sausage fingers, Winston, wouldn’t hesitate to write that ticket. Fat-ass.” She wanted to floor the gas pedal and peel out. Better not tempt fate.
Daniella approached her office. A large vase of white and yellow roses sat on the counter. She hadn’t thought about it yesterday, but today, it dawned on her: Cruz had delivered the flowers before he’d even met her. Why, he even wrote the words ‘Just a small token of appreciation. I’m honored to have you as my personal designer.’ Hmm. I bet he’s a friend of Parker’s.
How the heck would she get this man out of her head? His name jumped off the pages in his file. It’d be impossible. A dose of reality woke her to the simple fact she’d likely have to see his face for the next month or two. She brought up a diagram of the interior of his home on the computer. “Very nice.” But nicer once I’m done with it.
Several hours passed as she worked in the fine details of designing Cruz Canton’s fabulous home. A few times, she looked up and admired the bouquet, a distraction she couldn’t afford. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of shadows closing in. Office gossip queens. It figured they’d use their coffee break to snoop.
The women crowded the doorway and stepped back when a delivery man approached.
“Delivery for Daniella. Daniella Kurtz?” His brows lifted as he examined the ladies hanging around her office. He nodded when he caught sight of Daniella.
“Ah. I believe this is for you.” He marched forward and planted the plastic wrapped bouquet on the counter. “I’m supposed to inform you to read the card this time.”
“I see. Thanks for informing me of my obligation and for the delivery.” Daniella stood and gave him a swift pat on the shoulder. “You have a nice day, Mr. Delivery Man.”
In an all-too-eager manner, she tore the plastic off, and realized she wasn’t alone. “What? It’s just a token of appreciation, that’s all.”
Her right shoulder raised and she grinned. She knew her comment wouldn’t satisfy them.
“Appreciation? For what, might we ask?” Jill, the queen of the group asked.
“Um. Good question. I don’t know why he’s sending me flowers. I don’t even know the guy.” Daniella snatched the card out of the bouquet before Jill could take a peek. All eyes watched with intense nosiness. “What? Stop looking at me that way. Don’t you all have work to do?”
They looked at each other, turned to face Daniella, and burst out in laughter. They crowded into her office and shut the door.
Oh boy!
“Someone has an admirer. And a hotty pants he is.” A round of giggles passed through them as if they were a clique of high school girls.
“Don’t you see it, Daniella? The guy has got it for you. He wants you, woman,” Johanna said.
“Yeah, he wants to dip his cucumber into your salad,” Lori chimed in. Another round of laughter passed through them.
“Lori, you’re too much.” Daniella mused.
“He wants to slip his anaconda into—”
“Plant a garden in your muff.”
“Pop the porpoise?”
“Wooly bully?”
“You’re... warped, Lori.” Daniella dabbed the tears of laughter away from her eyes with a tissue.
After the cheerleaders left, she opened the card. It read:
I’ve already given you a token of appreciation. Can’t use that one again. Truth is, I can’t get you out of my mind. I know, I know, sounds crazy, but I promise you I’m not a loon. Just a man bewitched by a woman he hardly knows.
“Wow.” She wasn’t sure how to take this man. The idea of him thinking about her raised a network of goose bumps over her entire body.
“Ow! What the—why you dirty little weasel!” She rubbed her forehead where the rubber band made contact.
Lori stood with both hands on her hips. “So. What’s going on with you? And I don’t