the station, through his head, and appeared to reach some kind of a peak as he went to one knee, then stopped altogether.
Dr. Brandt couldn’t handle wrestling with her dollar bills anymore and started checking the bottom of her purse for coins. “Maybe I have enough change.”
“Really, that doesn’t matter anymore.”
The three figures that had climbed from their hidden corners continued forward, faces unclear as they approached. His eyes were focused, everything else was distinct, except for their faces. They came at him sort of frolicking, what they used to call gamboling when people would do that sort of thing. Silently easing nearer. Features dim and clouded, but their names somehow known to him.
The closer they got, the more obscured their features became. Pace stepped out in front of Dr. Brandt. Change fell to the floor and she said, “Will?”
“I think we should leave.”
“The fish cannery is going to have to do without me.”
She turned and the three figures slid past him and were on her. Pace thought, This is why she was afraid, she must’ve been expecting this. He shook his head. But if that were true, then why didn’t she let Ernie escort her? Why didn’t she just give me a train ticket to the halfway house and drop me off at the curb?
Dr. Brandt let out a shout—a strangely feminine sound that was part annoyance, part indignation. He threw a wild punch and missed all three of the intruders, no easy achievement considering how close they were to him. Somebody took one of his wrists and somebody else took the other.
“My God,” Pia said. “He’s so slow.”
“He’s not going to be any good to us in this state,” Faust said. “Our father who art inhibited.”
“He can hear you just fine though,” Pace told them.
Hayden twisted Pace’s arm. “There was a time when nobody could put a hand on you, if you didn’t want it there.”
“When was that?” Pace asked, genuinely curious.
“You were stupid to let them do this to you.”
“I think I might have to agree.”
He looked at where the guy’s nose would probably be, waiting for his hands to snap out and break it, but they didn’t. He expected Dr. Brandt to scream or start speaking in that cold, indifferent way, but she didn’t. He couldn’t figure out what was going on and kept hoping something else would happen that he wouldn’t be responsible for. Something that might reveal a truer nature.
Faust almost came into view for a moment before fading again. The faceless figure approached, inch by inch. Without features it managed to peer into Pace’s eyes and say, “Ah, our father who art indifferent. I think they may have cured him.”
His first week in Garden Falls he spent mostly in the straitjacket, tied to the bed for twelve to fourteen hours at a clip. Dr. Brandt kept shooting him in the neck with something that calmed him enough so they could let him loose most of the evening.
Pace would wander the corridors of the ward wearing a blue bathrobe Jane had bought William Pacella for Christmas four years earlier. There were matching slippers somewhere at the back of his closet at home. He kept wanting somebody to bring them to him, but he couldn’t form the words. Whenever he tried to speak he would drool on himself, and the crystalline fury within him would continue to grow beneath the docile exterior. Some outrages can never be forgiven.
Garden Falls had hallways so bright that they made you flinch, like you were dying and starting to head into the light. All you wanted to do was scream it wasn’t your time yet.
That first week, the cops kept stopping in and questioning him. They’d come in pairs, detectives with gold shields, mostly older guys, from some kind of special mob-related task force. Six in total. Each team asking him the same questions. Pace answered everything the same way.
They asked about some guy named Big Joe Ganucci, called himself the
F. Paul Wilson, Blake Crouch, Scott Nicholson, Jeff Strand, Jack Kilborn, J. A. Konrath, Iain Rob Wright, Jordan Crouch