entrepreneurial turn of mind.
The two private offices at the rear were side by side, the one on the west a little larger—the bathroom had been added on to the east-side office—and with the better view. She’d insisted I take the larger one; I insisted she have it. We’d wrangled a little, but as the senior partner I had the final say. When I walked into the east office this morning, I could see her at her desk through the connecting door, which we kept open unless one of us was with a client. She was in her usual pose, hunched over her computer keyboard, a study today in dark brown and spring yellow. There’d been a time when she dressed like a character in a bad street movie, but that was long past. Now she wore suits and blouses and shoes with designer labels and had her hair done by professionals instead of self-styling it with an eggbeater or whatever she’d used.
She’d changed, Ms. Corbin had, in the five years since she’d first come to work for me. And considerably in the four months since the holiday ordeal in our old offices on O’Farrell Street—a hostage situation in which she and Runyon and I had come close to dying at the hands of a madman armed with an arsenal of weapons. That experience seemed to have had a profound effect on her. She was less prickly now, less inclined to grumble and to sudden mood swings, more coolly professional in her dealings with clients. More self-assured, as if she understood herself better and was more comfortable in her own skin. Even her speech was less peppered with the Ebonic and slang phrases she’d sometimes wielded like tools of self-defense. She still had her sense of humor, but it didn’t have the edge it once had and she didn’t put me on quite as often as sheonce did. In a way I missed the old Tamara, but I had even greater admiration and affection for the new one.
She was wrapped up in what she was doing and didn’t notice me at first. I shed my coat, thumped my briefcase down on the desk, and then entered her office.
“Morning, kiddo.”
“Morning,” she said without looking up. “I heard you come in.”
“Sure you did. Ever vigilant.”
“How’s that for an agency motto? ‘Ever Vigilant.’ ”
“Retro. Like ‘We Never Sleep.’ ”
“Don’t let anybody who works for Pinkerton hear you say that. How was your weekend?”
She said, “Quiet,” and then amended it to “Busy. Worked most of Saturday.”
“Now you’re picking up my bad habits. What happened to your social life?”
“Club scene? Guys with booze on their breath hitting on me? Who needs it?”
“There are other things to do with your friends.”
“Not when they’ve all got love lives.”
“Maybe you should take a few days off, fly to Philadelphia.”
“Too much work to do here.”
“Can’t Horace get away?”
“Symphony season’s already started back there. He’s got no time for anything except that cello of his.”
That sounded a little ominous. I wanted to ask her if everything was okay with her and Horace, but I didn’t do it. She’d been reticent about their relationship lately, and prodding her would not have gotten me anywhere. Three and ahalf months apart is a long time; biweekly phone conversations just aren’t enough to keep a long-distance romance burning hot. It had to be a strain on both of them. In fact . . .
“Can I ask you a personal question, Tamara?”
“Long as it’s not about Horace.”
“It’s not. I’m just curious . . . have you been on a diet?”
“How come you asking that?”
“Well, you’re looking pretty svelte these days.”
“Didn’t think you’d noticed.”
“Trained professionals notice everything. Ever vigilant.”
“Uh-huh. Well, I’ve lost twelve pounds so far.”
“By choice?”
“What, you think I quit eating ‘cause I’m pining away for Horace?”
“No, no . . .”
“Well, don’t worry. I’m losing weight for me, nobody else. Just got tired of looking at myself