Mystery of the Stolen Sword

Mystery of the Stolen Sword Read Free Page A

Book: Mystery of the Stolen Sword Read Free
Author: Charles Tang
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stirring his coffee. He waited until the farmhands were out of sight before turning to the Aldens.
    “You know, I have something to confess,” Seymour began as Rose cleared the plates from the table with Violet and Benny’s help. “This isn’t easy for me to say, but the reason I didn’t tell Jeff and Mike about these robberies right away is that, well, I just don’t know what to think.”
    “What do you mean?” Grandfather asked.
    Seymour sighed and looked close to tears. “Well, it’s just that whoever did those robberies knows a lot about me and where I keep my things. I just can’t help thinking that the burglar is someone I know pretty well.”
    “But, Seymour, surely you don’t suspect Jeff and Mike. They’ve been working for you for years, ever since they were boys,” Rose said.
    “No, I don’t believe it could be them, but I do employ other farmhands to help during the picking season.”
    “Who?” Jessie wanted to know.
    “Well, this fall I had two high school students, Veronica and Martin. You’ll meet them while you’re here — they still help me out around the farm. They’re good kids. I know their parents and grandparents.”
    “You know, Seymour, it’s entirely possible this robbery is tied to the other antique robberies in town. It may not be anyone we know at all,” Rose said.
    “I wish I could believe that.” Seymour sounded sad. “I hate to be in the position of suspecting everyone who works around here. But that stamp collection was in a secret drawer in my desk. And nothing else was touched. The thief knew just where to look.”
    “You’ve told your farmhands about your secret drawer?” Grandfather asked.
    “Well, yes. I like to show that old desk to the people who come in. And Jeff and Mike have seen my stamp collection.”
    “Did the others know where your stamp collection was?” Jessie asked as she handed Benny more dishes to take off the table.
    Seymour scratched his head. “Well, I told Veronica about it. She collects stamps, too.”
    “I don’t think we should jump to any conclusions until we have more evidence,” Rose suggested. “You know that’s what the police said.”
    “Right,” said Seymour. “My wife is the down-to-earth one,” he told the Aldens. “She always talks good sense.” The farmer rose slowly. “Who would like to take a walk around the farm?” he asked.
    “Me.” Benny was the first to answer. “Can we see the secret passageway, too?”
    “Follow me,” Seymour said, walking toward the door.
    “Oh, Seymour, before you go, why don’t you show the Aldens where their rooms are. They may want to unpack, or at least unload their belongings from the car. They’ve only just arrived.”
    “Good idea,” said Seymour. “I told you Rose is the sensible one.”
    Everyone laughed.
    The bedrooms were all upstairs on the second floor. Jessie and Violet had a fireplace and a four-poster bed in their room. Henry and Benny shared a corner room with built-in beds and bookcases.
    “This is like a ship’s cabin,” Henry said happily when he saw it.
    The Aldens unpacked quickly, and before long they were following Seymour outside toward the barn.
    On the way, they passed a long vegetable garden guarded by a scarecrow made from sticks and straw. He wore a flannel shirt, loose denim pants, and a black felt hat.
    “This is a great scarecrow,” Benny remarked.
    Seymour chuckled. “He sure comes in handy in the summer when he keeps the crows from eating all our vegetables.”
    One side of the old red barn was filled with hay and the other had stalls for two horses, three cows, and a goat named Elvira.
    “You watch out for Elvira,” the farmer warned the Aldens. “She’ll eat anything in sight, even the shirt off your back, if you’re not careful.”
    Benny giggled.
    “I’m serious,” Seymour said. “She’s been known to nibble on laundry that’s hanging outside to dry. And she eats everyone’s food.” Seymour shook his head and gave

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