young - a snaky-looking creature - and oh! doesn't she hate Lovely Louise! And there are a couple of youngsters, and that's the lot. A few odd fish, but nice on the whole - don't you agree, Pennyman?”
He was appealing to an elderly man who was sitting thoughtfully twirling a pair of pince-nez.
The latter started and looked up.
“Yes - yes - very nice indeed. Taken individually, that is. Of course, Mercado is rather a queer fish -”
“He has such a very odd beard,” put in Mrs. Kelsey. “A queer limp kind.”
Major Pennyman went on without noticing her interruption.
“The young 'uns are both nice. The American's rather silent, and the English boy talks a bit too much. Funny, it's usually the other way round. Leidner himself is a delightful fellow - so modest and unassuming. Yes, individually they are all pleasant people. But somehow or other, I may have been fanciful, but the last time I went to see them I got a queer impression of something being wrong. I don't know what it was exactly... Nobody seemed quite natural. There was a queer atmosphere of tension. I can explain best what I mean by saying that they all passed the butter to each other too politely.”
Blushing a little, because I don't like airing my own opinions too much, I said:
“If people are too much cooped up together it's got a way of getting on their nerves. I know that myself from experience in hospital.”
“That's true,” said Major Kelsey, “but it's early in the season, hardly time for that particular irritation to have set in.”
“An expedition is probably like our life here in miniature,” said Major Pennyman. “It has its cliques and rivalries and jealousies.”
“It sounds as though they'd got a good many newcomers this year,” said Major Kelsey.
“Let me see.” The squadron-leader counted them off on his fingers. “Young Coleman is new, so is Reiter. Emmott was out last year and so were the Mercados. Father Lavigny is a new-comer. He's come in place of Dr. Byrd, who was ill this year and couldn't come out. Carey, of course, is an old hand. He's been out ever since the beginning, five years ago. Miss Johnson's been out nearly as many years as Carey.”
“I always thought they got on so well together at Tell Yarimjah,” remarked Major Kelsey. “They seemed like a happy family - which is really surprising when one considers what human nature is! I'm sure Nurse Leatheran agrees with me.”
“Well,” I said. “I don't know that you're not right! The rows I've known in hospital and starting often from nothing more than a dispute about a pot of tea.”
“Yes, one tends to get petty in close communities,” said Major Pennyman. “All the same I feel there must be something more to it in this case. Leidner is such a gentle, unassuming man, with really a remarkable amount of tact. He's always managed to keep his expedition happy and on good terms with each other. And yet I did notice that feeling of tension the other day.”
Mrs. Kelsey laughed.
“And you don't see the explanation? Why, it leaps to the eye!”
“What do you mean?”
“Mrs. Leidner, of course.”
“Oh, come, Mary,” said her husband, “she's a charming woman - not at all the quarrelsome kind.”
“I didn't say she was quarrelsome. She causes quarrels!”
“In what way? And why should she?”
“Why? Why? Because she's bored. She's not an archaeologist, only the wife of one. She's bored shut away from any excitements and so she provides her own drama. She amuses herself by setting other people by the ears.”
“Mary, you don't know in the least. You're merely imagining.”
“Of course I'm imagining! But you'll find I'm right. Lovely Louise doesn't look like the Mona Lisa for nothing! She mayn't mean any harm, but she likes to see what will happen.”
“She's devoted to Leidner.”
“Oh! I dare say. I'm not suggesting vulgar intrigues. But she's an allumeuse, that woman.”
“Women are so sweet to each other,” said Major