Mistaken Identities
thinking of him as my son, especially since I couldn’t have children. When a man marries, he leaves his old relationship with his mother behind and bonds with his wife. Nothing’s ever the same.”
    Tonya’s heart softened “Of course. I understand, and I’m not taking him away. We’ll both be at your place more than you’ll want us there, enjoying your great cooking.”
    A pleased chuckle escaped the woman. “Oh yes, I can always lure you two with my chicken pot pie. Anyway, my dear, I know you will make Roman the happiest man on earth, and I will be there to wish you both the most wonderful of lives together.”
    Tonya dipped her head and picked at a spot on the dining room tablecloth. She shifted from one foot to the other and glanced again at her dress. “Thank you, Aunt Linn. Um, about shopping, I’d love to go, but I have something to do today. Some errands. Can I get a rain check?”
    “Of course. Call me when you’re ready.”
    “Thanks. I will.”
    Soon after, Tonya ended the call and returned to her room to shower. She stood in front of her closet and sorted through the dresses there. At first, she had decided to pack away the few she owned because she preferred a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Casual was the name of the game for her, especially during her days of cram sessions, eating pizza, and drinking soda. Those times were behind her, and the college twenty she had gained had melted off with discipline over the summer. After all, she had needed to look hot for her wedding.
    Standing before the full-length mirror on her closet door, she checked out her figure. Longish legs, round hips, and a semi-flat belly. The skin wasn’t as tight as she would have liked, but then the twenty had to hang somewhere, and that had been around her middle. No matter, she looked pretty damn good, and she was still young enough for her skin to get it together. Roman had seen her naked, and he loved her.
    She sighed and pushed the closet door wide. Just any dress, she decided. After shutting her eyes, she reached out and felt around. What her fingers landed on, she tugged out and looked down. The leopard print. Nice. Why was she stressing?
    Just go and…do it. You already decided.
    When she was dressed, she picked up her purse and walked to the front door. Pookie yipped, and she bent down to tickle his belly when he rolled over. “No, you can’t go, Pookie.”
    She left the whining puppy and crossed the hall to Letreece’s apartment. Her friend took her time answering, and Tonya groaned in impatience. Don’t let her ask me any questions, please.
    Letreece opened the door. “Ain’t you cute this morning?” She gestured with her hand, taking in Tonya’s form from head to toe. “Loving the whole leopard thing. Of course, I already have—”
    “Letreece,” Tonya interrupted. “I’m sorry, girl. I’m in a hurry, but could you please do me a favor and take Pookie for a walk in a couple hours? I’m going to be awhile.”
    Her friend’s brows went up. “What you doing, girl? Why I feel like you’re up to something?”
    Tonya sucked her teeth and put her hand on her hip. “Because you’re always up to something, everybody else has to be?” She forced a laugh, and after a flash of annoyance in Letreece’s gaze, she laughed too.
    “Whatever. Yeah, sure, I’ll take the rag mop out, but I’m not calling him Pookie in public.”
    This time, Tonya’s laugh was genuine. “Come on. You know you love that name.”
    “Yeah, no.”
    Tonya stuck out her tongue. “Well, I do. I named him for my pookie Roman, who gave him to me, so that’s his name. I’ll see you later, okay? Call me if you have any problems with him. I’ll get back as soon as I can. Thanks.”
    Tonya walked out of the apartment building and started down the street. She strolled two blocks in the opposite direction to the one she usually took and stopped to wait. Checking her phone every so often for a text, she battled second thoughts. Maybe

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