how far you think you may have sunk. Your body is waiting to recover, it wants to recover and all of these stages can be reversed, until eventually you become the person you once were. Anxiety is not an illness; it is a condition, brought on mainly by long term stress or worry and is your body’s way of telling you that it is overworked. Your body is like a car that needs looking after in order to run properly. It also has its own limits on how far it can be pushed. I am contacted by more business men/women and people in the medical field than any other profession. These are people that tend to be under a great deal of stress at work. They don’t listen to their body and they overdo things, which leads to anxiety. Think of it like this. It I went out and bought a blender that had a maximum running speed of 1000 rpm, but I was not happy with this and wanted it to go faster, so I tweak it up and make it go at double that speed. What would happen? The motor would burn out and it would quickly break down as it was never designed to go at this speed. I have overworked it! Well, it is exactly the same with your body and this is why you feel anxious. Your nerves have become bad through over use and the
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stress and worry you have been piling on has taken its toll. That is why it is so important to take your symptoms with a pinch of salt and not get stressed or worry about them. If you allow yourself to worry and get stressed, you are working your body far too hard, a body that is crying out to be left alone. Let me explain…… You may have reached the point of suffering through too much stress or worry. That makes sense. But why does it continue? The answer is anxiety has then become your new problem and you now have something else to worry about. Just when your body needs a rest, it takes on more worrying thoughts and more stress about how you are feeling. ‘What is wrong with me?’, ‘Why do I feel like this?’ You may become bewildered and lost, and each day becomes a battle as you try to think and fight your way out of this hell. This extra stress and worry makes you feel worse, so you worry more and you fight more. Anxiety may be the last thing you think of at night and the first thing on your mind when you wake. Anxiety has become you. I am sure many people can relate to this.
Do you see now why we stay in the cycle? This is the reason people find themselves going around in circles and getting nowhere, falling deeper into the condition, because they do the opposite of everything they should do. But with such a lack of information and help out there, what else can we do but fight this condition? In your desperation to get better, you have actually created the opposite effect and done everything your body wanted you not to do.
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We can all experience anxiety at some point in our lives. There is a whole new range of stresses on society today. Finding the money to pay the mortgage, stress at work, an up and coming event - all of these things can contribute towards making us feel anxious and stressed.
A certain amount of stress is only natural. The problems arise when it is continuous and our mind and body never get a rest from this endless onslaught of worry, which in turn can cause our nerves to become sensitised. Sensitisation of your nerves means that they become easily triggered and the slightest thing - something as simple as a door slamming - may bring a sweep of panic. The weeks/months of worry and stress have caused your nerves to constantly vibrate or become ‘bad’ and this can create feelings of anxiety for no real reason.
Now you must be wondering how I managed to discover the key to recovery, the key that, had I known about it all those years ago, would have helped me to get better so much earlier.
The day came after ten years of suffering. It came as I was seeing yet another therapist at my local