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The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:
Speck, Katie, author.
Maybelle goes to school / Katie Speck; illustrations by Paul R á tz de Tagyos. â First edition.
pages cm
Summary: When Mrs. Peabody makes her Ten-Layer Tower of Taste for the school bake sale, Maybelle the cockroach cannot resist sampling the cake, but when she wakes up to find herself on the way to the lunchroom she knows she is in big troubleâespecially after she discovers she has to rescue her friend, Henry the flea.
ISBN 978-0-8050-9158-8 (hardcover)Â â ISBN 978-1-62779-419-0 (e-book)
1. CockroachesâJuvenile fiction.   2. FleasâJuvenile fiction.   3. InsectsâJuvenile fiction.   4. CakeâJuvenile fiction.   5. SchoolsâJuvenile fiction.   [1. CockroachesâFiction.   2. FleasâFiction.   3. InsectsâFiction.   4. CakeâFiction.   5. SchoolsâFiction.]   I. R á tz de Tagyos, Paul, illustrator.   II. Title.
PZ7.S741185Maf 2015Â Â Â Â Â [Fic]âdc23Â Â Â Â Â 2014034625
eISBN 9781627794190
First hardcover edition 2015
eBook edition June 2015