Mary Queen of Scots

Mary Queen of Scots Read Free

Book: Mary Queen of Scots Read Free
Author: Antonia Fraser
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God forgive me, and God knytt us togither for ever, for the most faythfull couple that ever he did knytt together. This is my fayth, I will dye in it. Excuse it, yf I write yll, you must gesse the one halfe, I can not doo with all, for I am yll at ease, and glad to write unto you when other folkes be asleepe, seeing that I cannot doo as they doo, according to my desyre, that is betwene your armes, my deere lyfe, whom I besech God to preserve from all yll, and send you good rest as I go to seeke myne till tomorrow in the morning, that I will end my bible. But it greevith me that it shuld lett me from wryting unto you of newes of myselfe, so much I have to write. Send me word what you have determinid heerupon, that we may know the one the others mynde for marryng of any thing. I am weary and am asleepe, and yet I cannot forbeare scribling, as long as ther is any paper. Cursed be this pocky fellow that troublith me thus muche, for I had a pleasanter matter to discourse unto you, but for him. He is not muche the worse, but he is yll arayde. I thought I shuld have bene kylled with his breth, for it is worse than your uncles breth, and yet I was sett no neerer to him than in a chayre by his bolster, and he lyeth at the furder syd of the bed.
    The message of the father by the waye:—
    The talke of Sir James Hamilton of the ambassade—
    That that the Lard a Luss hathe tolde me of the delaye.
    The questions that he asked of Jochim of my state, of my companye, and of the cause of my coming, and of Joseph.
    The talke that he and I have had, and of his desyre to please me, of his repentance, and of th’interpretation of his lettre of Will Hiegates doinges and of his departure, and of the L. of Levinston.
    I had forgotten of the L. of Levinston, that at supper he sayd softly to the Lady Rivees [Rires] that he dronk to the persons that I knew [if] I wold pledge them. And after supper he said softly … I was leaning upon him and warming myselfe—‘You may well go and see sick folkes, yet can you not be so wellcom unto them, as you have this daye left som body in payne, who shall never be meary till he have seene you agayne.’ I asked him who it was? he tooke me about the body, and said ‘One of his folkes that hath left you this daye.’ Gesse you the rest.
    This daye I have wrought till two of the clock upon this bracelet to putt the keye in the clyfte of it, which is tyed with two laces. I have had so lyttle tyme that it is very yll, but I will make a fayrer, and in the meane tyme take heed that none of those that he heere doo see it, for all the world wold know it, for I have made it in haste in theyr presence. I go to my tedious talke; you make me dissemble so muche, that I am afrayde thereof with horrour, and you make me almost to playe the parte of a traytour. Remembre that if it weare not for obeyeng you, I had rather be dead; my hart bleedith for yt. To be shorte: he will not com but with condition that I shall promise to be with him as heeretofore at bed and borde, and that I shall forsake him no more, and upon my worde he will doo whatsoever I will, and will com, but he hath prayed me to tarry till after tomorrow. He hath spoken at the fyrst more stoutly, as this bearer shall tell you, upon the mater of his Englishmen, and of his departure; but in the end he commith to his gentlenes agayne. He hath told me among other tak, that he knew well that my brother had told me at Sterling that which he had said there, whereof he denyed the halfe, and specially that he was in his chambre. But now to make him trust me, I must fayne somthing unto him: and therfore when he desyred me to promise that when he shuld be wholle, we shuld make but one bed, I told him (fayning to beleve his faire promesses … did not change his mynde betwene this tyme and that, I was contented, so as he wold saye nothing therof: for (to tell it betwene us two) the Lordis wisshed no yll to him, but did feare, leste (consydering the threateninges which he

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