will never know. But I do, and we make it safely to the exit, ankles and pride intact.
Chapter 4
“W here are we going?” I manage while navigating the uneven pavement.
“My place, unless you’d rather go to yours? I don’t suppose you brought a car?” At this point we have stopped, and my feet will be eternally grateful for the respite.
“No, I didn’t; we came by cab.” The street is empty, no cabs in sight. It must be after midnight now, or very close to it. Even if I were wearing a watch I wouldn’t be able to tell. The lack of adequate lighting means that we can hardly see each other, let alone the time. But I am less concerned than when I entered the bar. The man at my side, although little more than a stranger, makes me feel safe.
“I don’t know how long it will take a cab to pass by, so I better call one.”
Still holding my hand, he reaches into his vest pocket with his other hand and pulls out his phone. He instantly presses a number and starts talking.
Other people exit the bar and distract me. I’m turned quickly and am surrounded by a strong embrace, tight enough to reassure but not hurt. “The cab should be here soon, so until then…” The dull lighting from the bar allows me to see his eyes lower to my mouth. His head lowers, slowly. My breathing is laboring in my chest, making my breasts rise towards him. His gaze lowers for a second and then returns to my mouth. The anticipation is building until I feel I’m going to burst. Then his lips very softly touch my own. He’s rubbing his gently along mine, teasing and promising more. I’m not disappointed. His tongue runs lightly along the seam of my lips. Oh yes! I gasp, and he takes the opportunity to reacquaint our tongues. Oh what a reunion it is. The gentleness is gone; he’s once again in control, and I know it’s exactly what I want. He owns my breath, my tongue, my everything. A horn blast sounds. If not for that I would gladly drop to the pavement with him and let him do anything he wants, but at least one of us still has a little control.
“Come on.” Again I’m being led by the hand and quickly pulled into the cab. He speaks to the driver, but I’m too busy trying to gather my breath to listen. It’s as if he still has control of me. All I can feel is his lips and tongue. I’m high on him alone. He leans across me and, after giving me a quick peck on the lips, pulls the seatbelt around me and locks it into place. I know there is another person in the car, but that person has ceased to exist. The taxi can drive itself for all I care, as long as it’s fast. I’d ask where we are going, but again I don’t care, as long as we are going to be alone and it’s going to be soon.
Once again he’s in my head. Why am I so readable? “It’s not far. It’ll only take about ten minutes to get there.” No sooner does he utter the words than I’m thinking that it’s ten minutes too long. Again he’s smirking at me and staring at my mouth. The passing streetlights allow me scattered glimpses of the passion in his eyes. I haven’t spoken a word. I’m in awe, and I’m not sure that I’m pleased. Shouldn’t I be scared? This barely known person is taking me to who knows where, and I’m putting my trust in him. I tell myself that Sherry wouldn’t have left if she hadn’t asked about him. Maybe he is friends with “Donga” and he vouched for this guy. She wouldn’t have left me otherwise, surely? Oh god, maybe I’m too trusting! I feel a slight pressure on my hand and it’s his hand, gently squeezing and reassuring me. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I know we don’t know each other yet, but I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” So that’s it; I’m lost again. His eyes are holding me prisoner, and I’m feeling the current start to surge again throughout my body.
“I trust you,” I tell him. That earns me a bone-melting smile. He’s too far away to kiss, but I’m staring at his mouth and reliving the
Sandra Mohr Jane Velez-Mitchell