Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament
    camel to pass through the eye of a needle
    hands; I beseech you, Jesus, restore my
    than for a rich person to enter the kinghealth so I do not have to beg for food dom of heaven.” (Origen, Commentary
    shamefully.” (Jerome, Commentary on
    on Matthew , 15, 14)
    Matthew , 12, 13)
    6 In the Gospel the Nazareans use,
    [Cf. Matt. 25:14–30] For the Gos2
    we find “son of Johoiada” instead
    pel that has come down to us in
    of “son of Barachia.” (Jerome, Commen-
    Hebrew letters makes the threat not
    tary on Matthew 23, 35)
    against the one who hid the (master’s)
    The name of that one (i.e., Barabmoney but against the one who engaged 7 bas) is interpreted to mean “son of
    in riotous living. For [the master] had
    their master” in the Gospel written acthree slaves, one who used up his fortune cording to the Hebrews. (Jerome, Com-
    with whores and flute-players, one who
    mentary on Matthew 27, 16)
    invested the money and increased its
    value, and one who hid it. The first was
    In the Gospel we have often re8
    welcomed with open arms, the second
    ferred to, we read that “the enorwas blamed, and only the third was mous lintel of the temple was broken and

    split apart.” (Jerome, Commentary on
    • On Matthew 7:5. In this place the
    Matthew 27, 51)
    Jewish Gospel reads: “Even if you
    are resting on my breast but do not
    In the Gospel according to the He9
    do the will of my Father in heaven,
    brews, which was actually written
    I will cast you away from my
    in the Chaldean or Syriac language but
    breast.” (MS 1424)
    with Hebrew letters, which the Nazareans
    • On Matthew 10:16. The Jewish
    still use today and which is the Gospel
    Gospel says, “more than serpents.”
    according to the Apostles, or, as most
    (MS 1424)
    believe, according to Matthew—a Gospel
    • On Matthew 11:12. The Jewish
    that can also be found in the library of
    Gospel reads, “plunders.” (MS
    Caesarea—the following story is found:
    “Behold, the mother of the Lord and his
    • On Matthew 11:25. The Jewish
    brothers were saying to him, ‘John the
    Gospel says, “I give you thanks.”
    Baptist is baptizing for the remission of
    (MS 1424)
    sins. Let us go and be baptized by him.’
    • On Matthew 12:40. The Jewish
    But he replied to them, ‘What sin have I
    Gospel does not read, “Three days
    committed that I should go to be baptized
    and three nights.” (MS 899)
    by him? Unless possibly what I just said
    • On Matthew 15:5. The Jewish
    was spoken in ignorance.’ ” (Jerome,
    Gospel says, “That which you
    Against the Pelagians , 3, 2)
    would have had as a benefit from
    us is now an offering [to the Tem10 And in the same volume the ple?].” (MS 1424)
    following is found: “[Jesus]
    • On Matthew 16:2–3. The passages
    said, ‘If your brother sins by speaking a
    marked with an asterisk are not set
    word against you, but then makes it up
    forth in other copies, nor in the
    to you, you should accept him seven
    Jewish Gospel. (MS 1424)
    times a day.’ His disciple Simon said to
    • On Matthew 16:17. The Jewish
    him, ‘Seven times in a day?’ The Lord
    Gospel says, “son of John.” (MS
    responded, ‘Yes indeed, I tell you—even
    up to seventy times seven! For even
    • On Matthew 18:22. After the
    among the prophets, after they were
    words “seventy times seven” the
    anointed by the Holy Spirit, a word of
    Jewish Gospel reads: “For even
    sin was found.’ ” (Jerome, Against the
    among the prophets, after they
    Pelagians , 3, 2)
    were anointed by the Holy Spirit,
    a word of sin was found.” (MSS
    566, 899)
    Variant Readings Noted in New
    • On Matthew 26:74. The Jewish
    Testament Manuscripts
    Gospel says, “And he made a denial, and swore, and cursed.”
    11 • On Matthew 4:5. The Jewish
    (MSS 4, 273, 899, 1414)
    Gospel does not have, “into
    • On Matthew 27:65. The Jewish
    the holy city,” but “in Jeru
    Gospel says, “And he gave them
    salem.” (MS

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