You’ve never met the woman.”
Noah pulled the manila folder out of his top desk drawer and flipped it open. “But thanks to your pet detective Barlow, I have an excellent profile on her.” A photograph of Kate Denby preceded the report. Short, silky ash-blond hair framed a face that was an odd combination of strength and vulnerability. A square jaw, a large mouth that still managed to look sensitive, wide-set hazel eyes that stared boldly—these features seemed to jump out at them. “Or, at least, I thought I did. There’s nothing in here about her mother-in-law taking care of the child.”
“Barlow’s a good man. He probably thought you wanted him to concentrate on her professional qualifications.” Tony picked up the dossier and scanned it. “Seems pretty thorough. Daughter of Robert Murdock, a distinguished physician. He died of cancer three years ago. She was something of a child prodigy, graduated from college at sixteen, completed medical school and earned a string of degrees in genetic sciences by the time she was twenty-five. Worked at Breland’s lab in Oklahoma City and then took a job across town at GeneChem. They offered her less money but a contract that allowed her to do private research on her own time, using their facilities. She’s divorced and has custody of a nine-year-old son.”
“I knew almost all of that before I asked for a dossier. Her background was on her credit line with the article,” Noah said. “What I didn’t know was that she was still on good enough terms with her mother-in-law to let her take care of her son.”
“It’s not exactly important data, is it?”
“It’s important if it contributes to the comfortable nest Kate Denby’s built for herself.”
Tony lifted his brows. “Oh, the nest you want to jerk her out of and burn down behind her?”
Noah looked up with a grin. “You malign me. I’ve been very gentle with her . . . for me. Nary a jerk. I’ve wielded only persuasion, bribery, and persistence.”
“So far,” Tony said dryly. “But you’re getting impatient.”
Noah’s smile faded. “You’re damn right.”
“Have you told her anything about the project you want her to work on?”
“I can’t risk it. I have to wait until I have her here.” He scowled. “And time’s running out.”
“Maybe faster than you think.” Tony paused. “I was followed this trip. Since London, I think.”
Noah muttered a curse. “You’re sure?”
“I’m sure. You expected it, didn’t you?”
“I expected it but not this soon. I wanted to have everything in place.” His voice held a thread of desperation. “I’m not
dammit. Do you know who’s paying him?”
Tony shook his head. “Hey, I’m a lawyer, not a fortune-teller. Do you?”
“Maybe. Raymond Ogden called me yesterday.”
Tony gave a low whistle. “Big stuff. He owns one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, doesn’t he?”
Noah nodded. “And a bag of dirty tricks to go along with it.”
“How do you know?”
“He tried to take over my company six years ago.” Noah smiled crookedly. “He tried everything from seduction of stockholders to launching an ad campaign that hinted that our production line was careless.”
“But he didn’t succeed in taking you over.”
“No. He changed his mind.”
Tony didn’t ask what methods Noah had used to change his mind. Noah was one tough bastard and almost feudal in his possessive attitude toward his company. “So he can’t be much danger to you.”
“He barely flexed his muscles on the takeover attempt. J. and S. was too small to be worth his personal attention.”
“But this will be different?”
“Oh, yes. I’ll definitely have his full attention. Which means you’re out of it, Tony.”
“You heard me. It could get nasty from now on.”
“You’re overreacting. I haven’t made the Washington trip yet. Ogden may not know anything. He’s probably grasping at straws.”
“God, I