when I slipped my question,“Do you have a girlfriend?” I ventured. He paused causing me suspicion.
“Truth?” he asked.
“Please.” Even though, I was dreading it now.
“I do, I don’t want to lie to you.”
My shoulder’s dropped in disappointment, the despair from the days events were accumulating and swallowing me, “Then you should probably leave, she’s going to be wondering where you are.”
The look of disappointment on his face spoke volumes, “Ya, you’re right. I better go.”
“Thanks for taking me to the hospital,” I said. He got up taking the empty bags with him and left my house. It was the closest I ever got to my first kiss, but no matter how badly I wanted it, I would never want it to be with someone else's boyfriend.
That Night
I must have fallen asleep in front of the television because I woke up to the six o’clock news and my mother bursting through the door. She flew past me on her way to the kitchen to start dinner for dad who would be home minute. “We’ll talk about what happened to you today when your father gets home so you don’t have to repeat everything. Are you hungry? Where’s that boy that took you to the hospital?”
“No, and I thought you were waiting for dad before we talked.” I half expected mom to come back with a sarcastic remark but she didn’t.
I picked up my cell phone and started texting Tara while I waited for dinner.
Dalia: U there?
Tara: Ya, R U ok?
Dalia: So far, I don’t have a fracture, but I still need an M.R.I 2 look 4 injury.
Tara: Does that mean U can’t skate?
Dalia: Ya, I might have torn or dislocated something.
Tara: So U can’t compete next month?
Dalia: No.
Tara: Sucks ass! Is Adam still with U?
Dalia: No he went home about an hour ago, We almost kissed.
Tara: Get the fXXX out! What happened? Tell me everything!
Dalia: He stayed with me @ the hospital & then he drove me home. We ate. He asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said no. He asked me if I was ever kissed. I said no. Then he looked like he was going 2 kiss me but like the stupid ass that I am I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He fessed up and said yes. So I told him he better leave. His girlfriend might B wondering where he is.
Tara: Oh Dalia, I’m so sorry.
Dalia: Not as sorry as I am. Part of me wishes I hadn’t asked him.
Tara: Better 2 know, than find out later.
Dalia: I guess. He was seriously impressed when I told him I was working on my triple axel. He said, ‘That’s so hot!’
Tara: O.M.G! Dead Romantic! You’re skating is amazing! Do U want me 2 come over 2Night?
Dalia: Sure, if U don’t mind listening 2 my parents bitch @ the dinner table!
Tara: Great, I'm on my way.
I called out to mom, “Tara’s coming over!”
“Sure,” mom called back. It was always fine.
Tara had her own spot at our dinner table, she was over that often. It was the only time I was able to spend with her outside of school hours, that my parents didn’t give me a hard time about.
Tara was a complete dick magnet at school. The guys were always falling all over themselves trying to get dates and bootie calls with her. It would have been sickening if she wasn’t my best friend. We usually laughed about how guys would make idiots of themselves for her. What mattered to me was that no matter how much attention she received from boys, she didn’t have the EGO that went along with being a dick magnet. Tara was very modest and sincere.
My parents liked her too for the most part. When she wasn’t here, they were always criticizing her interest in boys rather than doing something substantial with her life (With the exception of school).
She was my complete opposite, and I loved her for that. I lived vicariously through her adventures with boys that I was never allowed to have. With Tara, you were better off asking, who hadn’t she dated or kissed, because the list would have been shorter than asking her who she had.
I was still lying on the
Lee Strauss, Elle Strauss