enough to see no one’s head was higher up than the windows, if you catch my drift.”
Emma laughs.
Milly says, “Now that we’ve got that one out of the way, let me tell you what they’re sayin’ about Abbie and Jack.”
“Another time, perhaps.”
Milly sighs. “Very well. But this whole business about movin’ in with the man?”
“Soon you’ll pass the point of no return. You understand?”
“Not really.”
“I mean, once he moves in, it’s too late. You can’t undo what’s already done.”
“Well, in this case, I’m the one who’s moving in.”
A look of confusion crosses Milly’s face.
Emma says, “I’m not interested in marrying Jack. Not immediately, anyway.”
Milly’s eyes widen. “You’re not interested in marrying Jack Russell ?”
“Not immediately.”
“Blond-haired, blue-eyed, perfectly chiseled, dazzling-smiled Jack Russell ? Did I mention friendly, funny, wealthy Jack Russell?”
“Is this really such a shock for you to hear?”
“If you’re telling the truth , it is. If you’re telling the truth, it’s beyond shock, it’s insane ! It’s…it’s… unfathomable !”
“Every woman in the county has a thing for Jack. You need to tie him up, girl! Aren’t you afraid you’re gonna lose him?”
Milly shakes her head. “None of this makes a lick of sense.”
“Thanks for the casserole, Milly. I’ll walk you to the door.”
3:45 p.m.
“He’s a looker,” Kayla Stent says. “I can’t imagine! I mean, holy baloney! Is it just wonderful?”
She giggles. “You know…”
Emma says nothing.
Kayla blushes. Then spells the word, whispering. “The S-E-X!”
“I’m not really comfortable talking about my sex life.”
“You’re not ?”
“ Really ?”
“Why not?”
4:20 p.m.
“How long have you and Jack been an item?” Norma Newton says.
“Since I arrived in town, it appears.”
“Well, that’s the way of small towns, I suppose. Does it bother you all the single women in town and half the married ones are in love with your fiancé?”
“Are you in love with him?”
Norma blushes. Then says, “Have you met Darryl and Abbie Rhodes yet?”
“Wish I could be a fly on the wall when that happens.”
“You’ll know soon enough. I’m surprised Jack hasn’t told you about Abbie. Him bein’ your fiancé and all.”
“We’re still at that stage where we’re getting to know each other better.”
Norma makes a sweeping motion with her hand, indicating the living arrangements, and says, “This here goes way beyond gettin’ to know each other.”
5:15 p.m.
“Thanks for allowing me in, Miss Wilson,” Bill Cox says. “I hope you’re finding our town a pleasant place so far.”
“How can I help you, Sheriff?”
He gives her a look. “You’re mighty straight-to-the-point, aren’t you?”
“I doubt the County Sheriff has time to make social visits or small talk. You’re obviously here for a reason.”
“Mighty astute of you,” he says. “You’re right, by the way. I’m not normally part of the welcoming process. But your situation’s a bit unique.”
“How so?”
“You appear to be moving into a man’s home.” He pauses. “A man who’s not here.”
“Well, pardon me for putting it indelicately, but we don’t know a thing about you.”
“The town.”
“And that’s a problem because?”
“To be blunt, there’s no ring on your finger. And no marriage license, from what I’m told.”
“Does the state of Arkansas require an engagement license?”
“No, but it’s customary to have an engagement ring.”
“We haven’t had time to shop for one yet. But I do have his house key. That should count for something.”
“I’d feel better knowing he gave it to you voluntarily, and that he’s not lying in a ditch somewhere.”
Emma frowns. “Are you accusing me of killing Jack