here in the cereal aisle. As soon as you’ve finished drinking, come directly back to me.” “Okey-dokey,” I said very happy. Then I turned around and drinked and drinked and drinked. Except for then I started feeling a little bit sickish. And so I had to sit down on the little step and rest my water. That’s when the big front doors of the grocery store opened. And guess what? My eyes almost popped out of my head, that’s what! ’Cause I saw a big shock! And its name was Mrs.! My real live teacher named Mrs. was at the grocery store!!!
5 / Sickish Mrs. didn’t see me. That’s because I hided behind the water fountain speedy fast. And guess what? She had a man with her! And I never even saw that guy before! “Hey! Who the heck is that?” I said to just myself. Then I runned my fastest to the cereal aisle, to tell Mother what I saw. Only all of a sudden I remembered abouthow she told me no more spying . And so maybe I might get in trouble with her, I think. That’s how come I stopped running. And I started to go back to peek at Mrs. some more. But Mother already spotted me. “Hey! Where are you going?” she called at me. “Come here.” “Yeah, only I can’t come there,” I explained. “’Cause I just remembered something very important. And it’s called—I’m not done drinking yet!” Then I runned right back to the water fountain. Only Mrs. and the strange man were already disappeared. “Shoot,” I said. “Where did those Sneaky Petes go to?” After that I had to look all over the store for those guys. First, I looked where the chocolate milk was. Then I looked where the pasketti and tomato sauce was. And I also looked where the delicious candy was. Only guess where I finally found them? At the stinky dumb vegetables! That’s where! I quick ducked down and hided around the corner. Then I did some sneaky peeky spying on them. I saw Mrs. picking out yucky blucky brockly. And stewie pewie tomatoes. And also the kind of vegetable named Sue Keeny. Except for then the strange man snatched Sue Keeny right out of her hands. And he tried to put it back on the shelf. Only Mrs. grabbed it right back again.And she pretended to hit him on the head with it. And then they both started laughing very much. That’s when a very terrible thing happened. And it’s called—Mrs. and the strange man did a big smoochie kiss! And it was in front of the whole entire everybody! I covered my eyes. That’s ’cause I was shamed of her, of course. On account of teachers shouldn’t do that smoochie thing! After that, I peeked my eyes between my fingers. And I saw Mrs. standing at the grapes. She picked up a bunch of the green kind. Then she pulled some grapes right off the top of it. And that’s when the most terriblest thing of all happened! Because just then, Mrs. put the grapes in her mouth! And she ATE them! Mrs. ATE the GRAPES! And she didn’t even PAY for them! “Oh no,” I whispered very upset. “Oh no. Oh no.”
’Cause eating is the same thing as stealing, remember? And teachers aren’t supposed to do stealing! Teachers are supposed to be perfecter than that! ’Cause they have to set a good zample for little children! After that I felt very sickish inside of my stomach. On account of Mrs. didn’t even get caught and learn her lesson! ’Cause nobody saw what she did! Not the store guy. Not the strange man. Nobody. Nobody except for me.
6 / Squeezy Lips I didn’t tattletale on Mrs. That’s ’cause if I told Mother, I would get in trouble for spying. And if I told the store guy, Mrs. might go to jail. And so I just keeped it a secret inside my head. ’Cause nobody can see secrets inside your head. Not even if they look in your ears. On Sunday Grandma and Grampa Millercame to our house for dinner. Only I couldn’t talk to them that much. That’s because secrets are very slippery. And I didn’t want it to slip out of my mouth by