In the Light of Madness

In the Light of Madness Read Free

Book: In the Light of Madness Read Free
Author: In The Light Of Madness
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers, Crime
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imperative that we find Darren, can you think of anywhere he might be?”
Judith shuffled on her feet, then crouched down to sit on a step, allowing the dressing gown to reveal a blotchy pink, dimpled thigh.
“He’s probably round that Tom’s house. His mum is a stuck up old cow, always looking down on us. Beats me why the boys are friends.”
Wednesday bit her bottom lip, allowing her time to compose her words before answering.
“I’m afraid Tom has been found dead. So you can see why we urgently need to speak to your son. Can you contact him on his mobile?” She rolled on the balls of her feet in order to alleviate the cramps in her calves.
“What’s the stupid bugger done now?” bellowed Des, lighting a semi-smoked roll-up which he held between his grubby-nailed fat fingers. He inhaled and then blew the smoke out so it swirled around the naked light bulb suspended from the ceiling.
“Have you any idea where your son and Tom were supposed to be or who they were meeting?” Terseness reverberated through Lennox’s voice.
“His mobile’s switched off,” Judith uttered.
The Wrights looked at the detectives with their dulled eyes.
“God knows then. Anyway, isn’t it your job to go looking for him, that’s what you lot do all the time, isn’t it?” Des spoke, smoke seeping from between his lips.
Wednesday could sense Lennox’s hairs on his neck bristle, so she interjected. “May we take a look at Darren’s bedroom? We might find some clues to his whereabouts.”
“Suit yourselves,” replied Judith, standing up and brushing past Wednesday as she headed for the kitchen.
Before they moved upstairs, Lennox asked the pair about their whereabouts that evening.
“Why, are we suspects?” replied Des with a semi-smirk on his lips.
Lennox just stared at him until he told the detectives he’d got paid for a labouring job, so they were celebrating with a fish supper and some alcohol at home.
Des led the way, mounting the stairs two at a time. On arriving on the landing all the doors were open so it was obvious which room was Darren’s. Wednesday wrinkle up her nose at the distinct smell of urine on entering the room.
“Bunk beds,” said Lennox. “Probably for the brother in prison.” He gave a guttural snort after his comment.
The bedroom was unkempt and filthy like the rest of the house. It was, indeed, making them wonder what Tom and Darren actually had in common. It certainly wasn’t their family background or lifestyle.
Tucked into the corner of the room was a piece of furniture that resembled a desk, piled with scrap paper and a laptop. Lennox picked it up and tucked it under his arm.
“Anything else of interest?” he asked
“Not that I can see under this jumble. I just want to get out of here,” she said in a hushed tone. “I’m beginning to itch.”
They took one final look around the sorry state of Darren’s bedroom before heading downstairs.
“You can’t fucking take that,” exclaimed Des as he pointed a sausage-like finger at the laptop.
“I’m afraid we can, there may be information pertaining to Darren’s whereabouts and who he was meeting. You’ll get it back. For now I’ll give you an evidence receipt.” Lennox raised his six-foot-two frame to dominate Des, whose veins were throbbing in his temples and neck.
“His dad got it for him. You lose or damage it and you get another,” piped up Judith into the glass tumbler, making her voice echo.
“If Darren returns or contacts you, please get in touch with us straight away,” said Lennox, handing a card to the puffy faced mother. He avoided eye contact with the stepdad. “It would be helpful if we could have a recent photo of Darren for the officers who’ll be looking for him.”
Judith Wright lumbered off towards the kitchen and returned with the latest school photo of him. Wednesday noticed how Darren’s face did not have the innocent appeal of Tom’s.
She strode after Lennox as he gunned towards the car, avoiding slamming

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