I'm Yours
Ronan, what the hell has he gotten you into?”
    Us, Ian had almost said it out loud, but he
didn’t want her to realize she could be in danger. Hopefully it
wasn’t that dangerous anyway, but he’d have to break a promise to
Ronan and that was something he’d never done before.
    “Kara, please, just get in the car and I’ll
explain. Do you have anything irreplaceable in your car?”
    She shook her head and let him open the door
for her. Looking a little lost and scared, she slid into the
passenger seat. He wanted to kiss her, to reassure her, but he
worried she’d never forgive him if he took advantage of her fear.
Ian walked around to the driver’s side and threw her purse and his
bag into the back seat. He got into the driver’s seat and laid the
gun on his leg as he put on his seatbelt.
    “Buckle up,” he told her, but she shook her
    “Not until you tell me where we’re going. I’m
in the car so where’s the explanation?”
    Rather than speak, Ian released his buckle
and leaned over her to grab her seatbelt. She gasped and he froze
as his chest rubbed across hers. Her eyes widened as his hand
wrapped around the seatbelt. Ian’s eyes dropped to her mouth, which
had opened slightly when she’d gasped. Immediately, his heart rate
kicked up a notch as he realized she wasn’t resisting him or
pushing him away. He leaned in, almost unable to resist, when heard
a car door slam outside his garage somewhere. Realizing that her
safety was in his hands, Ian stopped his forward movement. Damn you
    His eyes shot up to hers but he didn’t see
anger in them that he’d almost kissed her. Her gaze dropped to
where they were pressed together then came back up to meet his. He
pulled away, brought her seatbelt over her and buckled it then
buckled himself in and started the car. Ian had to keep his head on
straight. He always had a hard time when they were in such close
proximity and he could smell her nearby. And wasn’t it just his
luck he was wearing sweats and no underwear? All he could do was
not draw attention to his lap and hope she didn’t notice he was
hard as a rock and tenting his pants. He could still feel the
imprint her nipples had made on his chest.
    Kara’s breath stalled in her chest. She could
have sworn he was about to kiss her. When he’d rubbed his chest
against her breasts, she’d almost moaned out loud. Her nipples had
immediately hardened at the friction. He’d leaned in with his eyes
on her mouth but then he’d looked her directly in the eye and
backed away. She wondered if maybe her breasts had pressed against
one of his bruises. Part of her was afraid he’d almost forgotten
who he was rubbing against and pulled back as soon as he
remembered. He was backing up the car and waited to the last second
before pressing the button to open the garage door.
    “Get down,” he commanded.
    Her mind was still fuzzy from the almost kiss
and she couldn’t take her eyes off the gun in his left hand.
Because she didn’t move, Ian cupped his right hand behind her neck
and pulled her head down against his chest as he backed the car up.
She’d closed her eyes when he’d pulled her toward him so sharply,
but when she opened them, she looked down. She was surprised to see
his erection standing straight up. She could see the outline of it
through the thin cotton of his pants. Her hands itched to reach out
and touch him. At least he wasn’t immune to her.
    “Stay down,” he said as he lifted his hand
from her neck and put it back on the steering wheel.
    She was going to fall over if she didn’t
support herself somehow so she braced her bent arms on his right
leg as she tried to stay out of the way. She knew they could be in
danger, but with her face in his lap, which was unbelievably
distracting. When she grabbed his leg, Ian groaned and she wondered
if he had more bruises along his legs. He backed up quickly and she
heard a car door slam and some yelling. As Ian sped away, a shot

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