remember I helped you pass the exam? I gave you the answers and risked my ass. Listen. I don’t like these riding boots. I bought them for you. I know you were really generous to let me in because I am so utterly insignificant. I know I don’t have breasts. I’ll get the UGGs. I promise. I won’t be nice to people you hate. I’ll do whatever you want. Please. Please just let me sit down. Make room on the bench. Let me in. Let me in. Let me in!!” Oh God. Everyone is looking. I must be really screaming. It’s in the cafeteria and not just in my head. “Let me in. Make room on the bench.” (Tantrum) “I can’t do it, Julie. I can’t keep up. I will never be invited. I won’t ever get the guy. My hair is stringy and ugly and my breasts don’t exist. I am a piece of shit shit shit. Let me in. Let me in.” (She collapses.) (She wakes up.) I wake up at Wendy’s. There is incense burning that smells like fruit. Apples, I think. Right. Wendy Apple. I don’t rememberhow I got here. Wendy is sitting next to the bed, drawing a picture of me as an angel in transition. She says I have hit bottom. And that it feels terrible now. But I am lucky it has happened so young. She says she will be my friend if I can stop worrying about being popular. She says there are others who don’t fit in and I will like them better. She says there is another world and the door is open. She says she can help. Wendy laughs and it’s too loud. I want to be pretty. Wendy is incredibly kind. I want to be skinny. Wendy is on the outside. And I am no one. Wendy is by my bed and she is drawing my picture.
WHAT DON’T YOU LIKE ABOUT BEING A GIRL? Girls can’t control anything Boys can do anything they want My brother is adored, I am ignored My boobs, people talking about my boobs People assuming you can’t do something My boobs, it all changed with my boobs Blood, cramps, seven days People thinking you are weak A girl can get pregnant You have to do your hair You have to remove your hair Wash and iron clothes More chance of being raped Have to take care of husbands and kids Girls can’t work even though they are educated.
GIRL FACT One in five U.S. high school girls say they do not know three adults to turn to if they have a problem.
BAD BOYS New York, New York I like bad boys It’s the danger He goes to boarding school He’s a darker person Sort of like me We’re both troubled I’m better at hiding it I cut myself Trying to find something I’m good at My father is very successful High expectations I fail them a lot I’m not the person they want me to be My mother wants a perfect family I don’t believe in perfection Perfect in my mother’s world: Straight A’s Super-thin Being intelligent and happy Really good at everything I don’t know who I am Cutting myself Trying to control Everything crashing down on me It became a release I gave my mother a poem She sent me to a shrink My shrink gave me a rubber band to put on my wrist Rather than cutting I snap myself Mom wants me to be a model She weighs me every day She weighs herself twice a day Her older sister was a model and she was fat She’s been monitoring my weight since I was in the seventh grade I tell her I don’t want to be a model She says I need to lose pounds I started to make myself throw up just so my mother would leave me alone. My best friend shoots Ritalin to lose weight Everyone pretends they have ADD You get extra time on the tests and you do better which will get you into an Ivy League college I feel absolutely alone in the world The things my mother would like to change about me: I’m disorganized I wear big boots in summer Have grungy vintage clothing I listen to weird loud music I feel a connection with Sylvia Plath I cut my own hair Hacked my bangs into pieces She flipped out She wants me in Ralph Lauren sweaters My boyfriend went through rough times He has his own