it was somehow my fault that they were all soaked through, just because I was still dry. Kim turns back to me with a sweet smile planted on her face, only it didn’t reach her eyes, it was purely a smile put on for show.
‘You know it’s such a shame you couldn’t make it to my party, everybody else had such a blast. I made a lot of friends over the summer; you could have been one of them.’
‘Sorry, I did send an email explaining, did you get it?’
‘That? Oh yes I got it.’ She shrugs, ‘Still it’s your loss.’ I remember her striding back to her new friends, sitting back on the desk with them stood around her.
Over the next few weeks it became clear somehow she’d gone from being the new girl at the school, to the IT girl. I may need to give a little information here, because you might not understand how girls in high school work, or at least how the girls at my high school work. Once an IT girl has been established, everyone flocks around her, they all want to be part of that little world that she rules, and yet Kim was very selective over who she’d let into her group, and those who were denied a place at her lunch table, became her playthings, she’d use them to write her essays for her and then once it was done, she’d drop them from her group again, or she’d play practical jokes on them, and that’s just how it was, girls can be incredibly catty with one another, and in an all-girls school full of rich girls, it can be even worse.
Kim’s status as an actress was probably the main reason she became the IT girl on campus, because even though it was a small role in a unheard of movie, it was more than any of the other girls had done, and so they asked her constant questions about filming, or the movie business, about actors she’d met, and how she’d got into acting, and there was nothing Kim loved more than the adoring attention of those around her.
Let me just make one thing clear right now though, I never had anything against Kim, not back then when I barely even knew her. I never did anything to upset her, other than not attending her party, but that was all it took for her to take a dislike to me, and that was fine, I never craved to have everyone like me, if she didn’t want to be friends with me, I wasn’t going to lose any sleep over it. I’d guessed on that first day of school that we wouldn’t become friends, and that was more than fine by me, she had her own friends and I had mine, but there was far more to it than that, as there usually is. If someone wasn’t friends with Kim, or didn’t follow her around begging to be her friend, then they became her enemy.
For the most part I didn’t pay much attention to Kim and her group, I had always had the tendency to keep my head down, but about a month after school started, she caught my attention again, for the simple reason that she’d decided it was time she pushed me around for a bit.
It started off with small little things that didn’t make much difference to me, she’d play a few little jokes one me, like going into my bag and messing with my fountain pen, so when I started using it, the nib would come off and ink would stain my hands. Once she stole one of my homework assignments from my bag, and set fire to it in front of me so I couldn’t hand it in, but that backfired because I always keep my homework backed up, and I always keep my laptop with me, so I simply emailed a new copy to my teacher, and then printed a new one out in the off chance that the email didn’t go through, and I got it to the teacher before Kim could do anything to the new copy. She didn’t like me beating her like that, so she stepped it up a notch. She started tripping me in the halls, hiding things in my locker or my desk to get me in trouble, but no matter what she did, how relentless she was I put up with it silently.
It wasn’t until November that she did something I couldn’t brush off. I came into school and headed to the library,