Heal The Abuse - Recover Your Life
continue to hold us back.
    If we choose unhealthy partners, we end up in
the same, unhealthy relationships. If we stuff our feelings instead
of healing our pain, we continue to spiral downwards.
    Often the reason people remain trapped in
their problems is because they refuse to take action. They refuse
to change. It is possible to heal the pain of sexual abuse in the
same way that we would work to heal any other issue. There is hope.
The more you heal the stronger you feel, and the easier it
    Personal Journal Entries
    Entry # 1: Gaining Hope
    (My depressed voice): I have nothing to live
for. I might as well sleep all day and not wake up. I feel
depressed. My thoughts are all negative. Why do I feel so
    I am tormented by the memory of sexual abuse.
There is no changing the reality of my past. What happened to me
was horrible, and sexual abuse continues to happen to people all
over the world. There is no way to stop it. I will never overcome
    Life is so meaningless. Healing sexual abuse
is too difficult.
    (My wise, inner voice): Don’t believe that
your life is hopeless. That’s your depression talking. You’re just
thinking negatively about your past, your present, and your future.
Stop doubting yourself and your ability to heal.
    You are afraid that you will never be free of
this. That you will be dealing with this pain forever. But in
truth, all pain is limited. All fears are eventually conquered. All
issues are eventually resolved and a brighter future awaits
    You will overcome this. You will find the
courage. You will regain your integrity, your confidence, and your
self-esteem. You will feel better. You will have peace again. You
will see the light.
    Your pain is not “all powerful.” You are
powerful, eternal, strong, wise, and capable. As a child of God,
there is nothing that can defeat you. You are stronger than sexual
abuse. You are stronger than fear.
    Process Questions
    In what ways have I felt hopeless about
healing the pain of sexual abuse?
    How do I look at my life when I feel
    How do I act when I feel hopeless?
    What would make me feel more hopeful about
healing the abuse of my past?
    How can I process my issues (sit with my
feelings, cry, get my anger out in a healthy way, do some
journaling, talk to someone about how I feel, etc…)
    Exercise 1-1
    Hope Affirmations
    -Say these things to yourself every day until
you start to feel more confident and filled with hope.
    1. Things in my life keep getting better, and
every day I am getting healthier.
    2. I am working through my issues.
    3. I am succeeding.
    4. I feel more confident and more hopeful
every day.
    5. I am stronger than my fear.
    6. I am overcoming my problems.
    7. I am feeling more energy, more
inspiration, and more love.
    8. I am becoming a bigger, wiser, stronger
    Stepping Stones to Health
    -Try to identify where you are in the
stepping-stones to health, and the next step or steps you need to
    _____ 1. I am severely depressed and addicted
to several substances or behaviors. I fear that my life will never
    _____ 2. I have known people who have
successfully worked through their sexual abuse issues, but I don’t
think I can.
    _____ 3. I am trying to learn more about
sexual abuse, but I don’t spend much time reading self-help books
or working on my issues.
    _____ 4. I worked through an issue I was
having, but it was scary. I don’t want to change. I’m used to the
chaos in my life, and it’s easier for me to do nothing.
    _____ 5. I did something to heal an issue I
was having and it made me feel better about myself. I realize that
healing is possible if I am willing to work at it.
    _____ 6. I am getting tired of the chaos in
my life. I know there’s something better for me. I’m tired of my
addictions and my negative behaviors because they cause me a lot of
    _____ 7. I want to change, but I still

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