are opening their records up to us and…” She paused in midsentence because she frankly didn’t know what else to say.
“Yes, however, if we get too friendly we dim the image of independence. You’ve taken the course on decorum at the Charles Center, but I suppose we are in agreement that you behave the way you do because it’s inherent to your nature.”
Yeah, the Charles Center, where the androids went for all kinds of training that had nothing to do with the real world. No matter how many classes she took, she couldn’t fake android good enough. The job sucked.
Hands folded, Cathy leaned forward. “I don’t want you to think that we’ve received any complaints from our clients, Carmala. We haven’t. However, we don’t think you’re ready for a promotion to audit manager.”
“I’ll educate-up. I’ll adjust. I’ll enroll in more courses and change my disposition. It’s not impossible.” Ugh! She hated begging, but if she were fired, it would look horrible on her resume.
Cathy raised her eyebrows and nodded. “I’m sure you would be willing to do that. You have a great attitude. But be honest with yourself. Do you really want to? I don’t think you’re happy here. There are opportunities out there in which you can better apply your unique skills and talents.”
She made it seem as though Carmala’s skills were distasteful. Beneath Banter.
Carmala squared her shoulders and lifted her chin, although her heart beat wildly. “So what are you proposing? Should I begin to put my feelers out in the job market?”
“I know this is hard to hear. But you now have experience with a world-premiere accounting firm. You’re a marketable asset. I suggest that you continue with your current assignments, for now. Begin to hunt around for a better situation. There’s no rush, and you can take your time. Your job is safe while you seek other opportunities.”
Other opportunities . It sounded so final. “Wow! I’m rather surprised. I’ll have to give it serious thought.” Like she had any choice. The last thing Carmala expected from this meeting was to learn she had to find another job. Dragon Cathy and the lot of Bantor Androson & Co. were something else.
“That’s all we’re asking. And good luck. You know I’m here to help you.” With that, Cathy stood up from behind her big mahogany desk and walked around to give Carmala a hug.
The Dragon’s show of affection was so unnecessary and contrived.
Dejection settled in the pit of Carmala’s stomach, making her instantly nauseous. Of all things to happen, instead of a possible promotion, now she had to look for a new position elsewhere. In truth, she hated the damned job but kept at it because she worked for the most prestigious, elite accounting firm in the world. Or so the company touted itself.
But after absorbing the initial shock waves, she realized Cathy had done her a favor and given her the little push she needed out of the proverbial nest. Only what would she do next, and where would she go?
Chapter Two
Carmala felt her cell phone buzz in her purse while she waited in line at a deli to pick up a sandwich.
“This is Paul Synder. I’m a recruiter from John Halfway and Associates calling on behalf of Synergy Plus, Inc.”
Her heart pounded in her chest. This is it! After a nail-biting week, he’d finally called. “Yes, Tom Johnson telephoned me last week and mentioned you’d be calling.” Tom, Synergy’s CEO and her favorite client, had become friends over the company’s past couple of audits.
“Are you free to talk?”
“Yes, no problem. I’m picking up lunch.”
“Good. I’ll cut to the chase, Carmala. Synergy Plus is very impressed with the ideas you had for business improvement during your audits. They think your experience would be a perfect as a business consultant on their team.”
Yep, she’d fit in fine with Synergy. The employees there viewed her as bright and resourceful. Finally, she might have a chance to