could handle.
Her phone vibrated and she jumped nervously. It was Monique, Bett's girlfriend. Lara listened to her halting words. It was obvious she had been crying and was at the end of a lengthy jag. Lara spoke softly into the phone and simply said, “Now you know the feeling.”
With her voice quivering, Monique ranted, “He just slipped a beautiful engagement ring on my finger. I was so happy. Now, the man of my dreams is off on the other side of the world. I don’t even know where he is. I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again.”
Lara could tell she had lost all semblance of self-control. She was raw, terrified, and panic-stricken.
“Why don’t you come over tonight? You shouldn’t be alone. It is Christmas, after all. I’m here with William. Stay here tonight.”
Monique took her up on the offer. She had just spent the day at her parents’ home nearby. Lara sensed she needed to unload her pent up frustration. Her mother and step-father, Rusty, would be stopping by in the morning for pancakes to say goodbye to William. Maybe Monique would enjoy that diversion, even if for a few hours.
Little did Monique know how much her companionship would be welcomed, especially once William departed for Canada. Except for Einstein, the house would be empty. It would be a joy to have someone to keep her company. The dog was a wonderful comfort, but Lara was fighting the same feelings of fear, and lived with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach until Ben returned unharmed. Until then, she would put on a good front -- but when alone she’d crumble into a heap of tears at the slightest provocation.
~ Ben ~
Arrival at Hatzor airbase was routine for the team. Moshe’s men met them and helped to carry and load their gear into an armored vehicle. Not even Ben knew how many men Moshe commanded. It was a closely guarded secret and the forces were constantly shifting and modernizing to meet new demands. Every Israeli citizen served in the military, and Israel's Institute for Intelligence reserved the right to call upon the service of any Jew on the planet.
The United States could learn a great deal from this tiny nation with an innate instinct to survive.
Institute for Intelligence was simply known as “the Institute,” or simply “Mossad.” Mossad was the executive branch of the counter-terrorism unit, but it operated differently than the Central Intelligence Agency in America. There were off-shoots specifically trained and designated to perform intelligence tasks. These groups could turn on a dime. Their nimble readiness and high level of training was a thing of beauty. He felt fortunate to be this close to some of the greatest warriors in the world.
The war room was a short drive away and the Dark Horse Guardians got into the armored vehicles for transport to the place where they’d live for the next few days.
“Was the flight comfortable?” Moshe slapped Ben on the back. “It should have been. We just purchased a boatload of these J’s from the United States. They’re beautiful.”
Moshe was an aerodynamic junkie. He loved anything that had an engine and wings. Having been trained as a pilot in his earlier years, he was intimately familiar with every plane in the fleet. He should be; he ordered them.
“Yes,” Ben responded sleepily. “So comfortable, I slept for five hours. A big upgrade, I’d say. They know how to make them in Atlanta. Quality workmanship.”
Ben rode in Moshe’s private SUV, with enough armor to survive a nuclear attack. Inside the vehicle was a dashboard with a unique com system. Moshe lived with an earpiece and tiny microphone twenty-four hours a day. Ben imagined he made love to Rachel with it on. As the drive took them toward their destination, Moshe’s dark black eyes looked into Ben’s.
“You ready for this?” he mused. “I’m