device. I want to have it removed, tested, and modified. Ultimately I want to hit the Yuuzhan Vong with their own
Interest sparked in the Jedi Masters eyes. Jaina activated the holocube, and a shining model of the building's layout took shape, floating in the air between them.
"Lowbacca's good. He got me this without anyone realizing what he was doing. He can just as easily remove any records from the system. We get this man in, we get out, we erase our footsteps.
Lowbacca can wipe anyone off the security records we don't want to leave there, and rumor has it that you've had practice removing unwanted memories from people."
She glanced expectantly at Kyp. He nodded for her to continue.
"Heres the lab, down in this lower level. I've already been there. These plans have all the details we need, but I wanted to see the layout "with my own eyes and get a feel for it through the Force. Here's what I think we should do."
Kyp listened intently to her plan, his expression inscrutable. His eyes flickered, once, when she concluded her proposal by noting, "You asked me to be your apprentice. This is where it starts."
He leaned against the wall and folded his arms. "You have a high opinion of your value."
"Thats the asking price." Jaina spread both hands and gave him her best imitation of her fathers trademark smirk. "Do you want me or not?"
For a long moment tbe two Jedi locked stares.
"You know we could never speak of this, not to anyone," Kyp said.
"Wbo would I tell?" sbe retorted. "Uncle Luke?"
He lowered bis head in a slow nod, holding ber gaze. "All right, then. Let's get it done."
It took both Jedi to wrestle their prisoner into a green flight suit, even though he was still deep in stasis. The Hapan was a big man, at least a bead taller than Kyp and heavily muscled. He was enough trouble as deadweight; Jaina figured bed be much worse awake.
His recent fight with Tenel Ka bad revealed considerable skill in tbe Hapan kickboxing style. Two Jedi could certainly bandle him, but not without drawing unwanted attention.
Finally the task was done. Jaina sat back on ber beels and tucked a stray wisp of brown hair behind one ear.
"I say we transport him like this. Put bim on a repulsor sled."
Kyp shook his head.
"Three of us walking away from the ship wouldn't draw much notice.
Two walking and one floating... thats likely to raise some questions.
Plus, the ventilation tunnels are light and beat sensitive. The sled doesn't generate much heat, but tbe control lights might be enough to tip off trie sensors"
"I could reset the controls."
"Sure, but that would take time. I doubt we've got mucb to spare."
Jaina conceded with a nod. She watched intently as Kyp placed a hand on the mans temples. She felt the Jedi Master reach out into the prisoner's mind, felt him use the Force to peel back the shields holding him in torpor.
The big man came awake suddenly, thrashing and sputtering like a man drowning in a sea of nightmares. His eyes focused on Jaina, and he abruptly fell still and silent. Memory flickered in them, and then a searing flash of panic... hers had been the last face he'd seen before an invisible fist seized bis mind and crushed it into darkness and silence.
The Hapan hauled himself to a sitting position and scuttled away, crab-walking backward as he put as much distance between himself and the young Jedi as possible.
"Why?" he demanded in a dry, raspy tone.
Jaina knew precisely what he meant. Why had his escape from the prisons of Hapes heen arranged? Why were his two compatriots allowed to continue the escape, while he was kept hehind? Why had he been mind-controlled and stashed in the hold of some ship: She sent him a reassuring smile.
"Princess Tenel Ka has issued a conditional pardon. She understands the Yuuzhan Vong implant might have prompted you to attack her. We've brought you to Gallinore to have it removed. Afterward, if you'll recant your desertion, and if a Jedi