This is Gossie. She is playing hide and seek with the other goslings. Gossie is seeking. Hello, Gertie!
Splash! Gossie finds Peedie hiding in the boat.
Gossie finds BooBoo in the birdbath.
Gossie has found all of the goslings exceptâ
Gertie helps Gossie look for Ollie. They peek under the hay bin.
And peep among the flowers.
The mice help them look, too.
Squeak, squeak!
Where could Ollie be?
Peedie just knows that he can find Ollie. He looks among the apples.
He searches through the grass.
Peedie peeks under the flowerpot, but...
he forgot what he is looking for.
Peedie takes a nap. He feels sure he'll remember when he wakes up.
BooBoo looks for Ollie, too. She looks for Ollie up in a beehive.
She looks for Ollie under the hens.
Then BooBoo starts to feel a little hungry. Lunch!
Gossie calls all of the goslings together. They must find Ollie.
They look high and low.
They dive in and search under the water. Where is Ollie?
The goslings look everywhere. And then...
They find Ollie ... sound asleep.
Up, down, above, around, behind, beneath, over!
Gossie plays Hide and Seek
is filled with directional wordsâwords that help you describe where things are and gain a better sense of spatial relationships.
Can you help find Ollie? You'll have to go inside and under, on top of, and all around the farm to find him! Punch out and fold the game pieces included here.
To play, flip a coin and move
1Â space forward for heads and
2Â spaces forward for tails.
Put your game pieces here!
Find a snack among the applesâmove ahead 2 places.
Get caught inside a flowerpotâgo back to the start.
Sleep on top of the hay. Feeling rested, move ahead 1 place
Look beneath the beehiveâmove quickly ahead 3 places!
Stop inside the henhouseâmiss a turn.
Dive Under the waterâtake another turn.
You found him!
Play Hide and Seek with Gossie and Friends!
As Gossie and the other goslings play hide and seek, it seems that no one can find Ollie. Directional words and early math concepts help Gossie and all of her friends as they seekâand findâOllie! With this irresistibly touchable, fun, and delightfully innovative multi-concept book, young readers can enjoy pull tabs, textures, flaps, and interactive surprises.
With a bonus fold-out board game that makes learning early math skills as fun as a game of hide and seek!
Copyright © 2009 by Olivier Dunrea
Book design and packaging by Carol Chu
All rights reserved. For information about permission to
reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions,
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company,
215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.
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