Getting the Edge: Betrayed Book 1

Getting the Edge: Betrayed Book 1 Read Free

Book: Getting the Edge: Betrayed Book 1 Read Free
Author: Hope Welsh
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considered that possibility. “Can she?”
    Kevin nodded soberly. “I’m afraid so, and she could win it. Stay away from her, Brandon. She’s not worth it.”
    That was debatable, but Brandon only nodded. “I know, Kevin. Quit worrying.”
    “It’s my job to worry,” he muttered and took a drink of his gin.
    Brandon had never been much of a drinker, but he’d ordered a scotch and water on the rocks anyway. It’d been two years, after all. He took a sip of his own drink, and winced. “Wow. I’d almost forgotten what alcohol tasted like.”
    Kevin grinned. “You’ve always been more the beer type. I’m surprised he ordered that.”
    Brandon shrugged. “Figured why not.”
    When the server came, Brandon ordered steak. He just wasn’t in the mood for Italian, but he did want real meat. “Medium well,” he added. “With fries. Steak fries.” Man, how he’d longed for fries. He never had had the refined palate like Kevin.
    Kevin ordered a steak as well, and when they were alone again, sighed. “I didn’t think. You’d have rather had McDonalds, wouldn’t you?”
    Brandon grinned. “I don’t mind a good steak at all, Kevin. Quit worrying. I’m just glad to be free and to be sitting here with you.”
    Kevin relaxed. “Man, it’s good to spend time with you again. I’ve missed you.”
    “You saw me twice a week, Kevin,” he pointed out.
    “It’s not the same, and you know it.”
    No, it hadn’t been the same at all, but he was still very thankful that Kevin had stood by him when no one else had. Kevin had always believed that he’d been innocent. He’d been the only one to believe him, unfortunately. He was glad his parents hadn’t lived to see him put in prison.
    “What are you thinking?” Kevin asked quietly.
    Brandon sighed. “I was thinking about Mom and Dad. I hate like hell that they died—but I’m glad they never had to see me in a cage.”
    “They’d have stood by you, Brandon. You know that.”
    “I know they would have—and it would have killed them to see me in there,” he said bitterly.
    “It’s over, Brandon.”
    That was just it—it wasn’t over.
    Not by a long shot .
    Of course, he couldn’t say that to Kevin. “Yeah, it’s over.”

Chapter Three
    Amanda couldn’t find the RA, and the Bursar’s office was no help at all. Apparently, at least for now, she’d have to deal with having a roommate.
    She walked back down the crowded halls to her room. It was almost lunch time, and most of the students were between classes.
    When she opened her room, she found Tracy sitting at her desk. “Um?”
    Tracy turned in the chair with a smile. “Oh, you’re back! Did your class go well?”
    “Sure,” she lied. “I see they brought you a bed.”
    Apparently, there was enough room for two beds after all. A second twin bed had been placed next to the wall. Now, the two beds were shaped like an L in the room. The middle left little room for movement, but if she didn’t leave school, Amanda knew she could make-do.
    “They just brought it. And I had my sheets and stuff in the car. I’m so excited to be here! I like being around people too much to have done classes online,” Tracy said happily. “I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your desk?”
    “Uh, guess not. There isn’t room for two in here, so we can share it.” Mandy made a mental note to be sure she left nothing important in the room—not that she had anything that could be used against her in here, of course. “So, what’s your major?”
    “I’m undecided. I’m just taking general courses this semester. I don’t have to declare a major until next year.”
    Tracy laughed. “You probably think I’m nuts, huh? But, I want to explore my options. The whole college experience. What are you majoring in?”
    “Education,” Amanda said. “I think I’m going to teach.” If only, she added silently. Teachers were fingerprinted as part of background checks.
    “Oh really! Wow. I

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