That’s a reference to Fatal Attraction , isn’t it? That’s good, Kay.”
    She tried to count to ten before she hit him. She got to two.
    “The car, Adam!”
    “Right, right, right. I noticed it, really, but I was with someone, so I wasn’t really paying attention.”
    Of course he was with someone. He had a new girl every week. Krista did not want to hear this.
    “But still you noticed the car.” She spoke slowly and carefully before she interjected a slew of swear words that would have impressed Scarlet.
    “Yeah, of course I noticed it when it almost ran me off the road. But I figured whoever was driving was wasted or something. They should get driven, you know? That’s why I hardly drink, it’s just stupid. Dude, you don’t need to get wasted to have fun.”
    For all of Adam’s faults, he wasn’t a heavy drinker. He didn’t use drugs. He was addicted to other things. Like sex. With different women. Lots of sex with lots of women.
    “But when I got home and saw the note, that’s why I decided I needed to call the police.”
    Her instincts hummed. “Note? You didn’t mention a note.”
    “It’s why I called you.” And he looked at her as if she were being dense.
    “What did the note say?”
    “ I know where you live. Well, duh, because the note was slipped into the mail slot of my apartment. But it was in block letters and no return address, and remember when I played the stalker on Guiding Hands , the soap opera? My character did the exact same thing, so it kinda creeped me out. So I called the police but they couldn’t help me even though I’m, you know, like a celebrity.”
    “So you called me.”
    “Exactly. I called you the second after I found the bottle of champagne on my kitchen counter yesterday morning. It had another note. It said Congratulations! It wasn’t there when I went to bed. Gretchen—no, Bridget. I think? Well, whoever played Moon Girl Number Two in Moon Drop popped it open to make mimosas. I had an interview, so I didn’t drink anything, and Bridget—no, Gracie? She got sick and threw up and I started to wonder how the champagne got into my kitchen since I didn’t buy it and Moon Girl didn’t have it when she came in with me.”
    It took Krista ten seconds to process that Gretchen, Bridget, Gracie and ‘Moon Girl Number Two’ were in fact the same person.
    “And what did the police say?” she asked.
    “About what?”
    “The champagne!”
    “Oh—I didn’t tell them. Because, like, they didn’t think the note was anything, why would they care about the champagne?”
    No one was this stupid. And she’d been married to this stupid for five minutes. Okay, it had been five months, from vows to divorce papers, but she didn’t remember Adam being this dense.
    “What did you do with the champagne?”
    “Uh—I threw it out. It was bad.”
    “And the notes?”
    “I don’t remember. They’re probably at my apartment.”
    “Did you take the garbage out before you came here?”
    “Oh—no, I have a maid for that. She comes every Wednesday at noon.”
    The champagne came Wednesday night. Krista couldn’t assume that it wasn’t there when Adam and his hookup came home—but if it wasn’t, that meant someone had walked into his house and left it while Adam and Moon Girl were doing the horizontal cha-cha in his bedroom. That alone was creepy.
    She was going to have to call in a favor. A favor she really didn’t want to call in.
    “Is it okay with you if I send a colleague over to your apartment to retrieve the notes and the bottle and send them to a lab for fingerprints and testing?”
    He smiled. “You’re brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?”
    “That’s why you pay me,” she muttered.
    Trina finally broke away from Scarlet and came over. “Is everything okay?” she asked, glaring at Krista.
    Adam smiled broadly. “I knew Krista would solve everything.”
    “Nothing’s solved yet,” Krista said.
    “Let’s go to the room—there’s a hot tub

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