the bathroom stuff is in the backpack." "The backpacks." We say at the same time. He runs to the mud room and pulls them off the hooks. A giant picks them up and carries them out of the house. Wow this is service. Christian smiles at me and nods. Danny comes down the stairs, he doesn't look happy. "It may be more like a week. They made a mess of the rooms up there. We will cover you for as long as it takes. I'm sorry for the inconvenience CJ, I'll make sure it is done and done right before you come back home." "I didn't even look at anything but the kids’ rooms so I'll take your word for it. Do you think someone can get the clothes rounded up? I just got Taylor a couple of days ago. Most of the clothes on the line were his; he didn't have much to begin with." I'm a little embarrassed because I saw my panties hanging from a tree out there. "I'll make sure everything is taken care of and put back where it belongs. Thanks for being so understanding. Christian can you take Bob to the car so he can help get the kids in it?" He looks at Christian with a smile. "Yep, come on Bob." He's standing straight looking amused, he probably already knows what Danny is going to say. Damn kid. I smile as he walks out, I love that boy. Danny waits until he's out the door. "The man that we tracked here was a convicted rapist. He made it here from the state penitentiary that he escaped from three days ago. Baxter Security and the MC worked together, this is the first time that happened and we didn't expect him to be holed up in a house with so many kids. If there was another way we would have done that. Because of the kids we couldn't wait to clear the house first, he was armed and we had to make sure he wouldn't have the chance to take a hostage. We have a therapist that will meet you at the Diner, he can help the kids deal with what happened here. If you need anything, call the number on the card." He hands me a card with the MC logo. "Keith has been instructed to get you any help you need. The old ladies will keep you in supplies until you're home. Is there anything we need to know or help with since you won't be home?" Wow, they're going to make this easy. "Case workers stop by, that may happen while we're gone. You can just let the guys know to have them call me. There are a couple of bathrooms that don't work; you might want to mention that to the workers. Other than getting the kids to school, I should be fine. Thank God it's Friday, life is easier on the weekends." I say smiling. He laughs. "I'm glad you're not pissed. We can help get everyone to school. I'll have Rob coordinate that with you while he's at the Diner. Your bags will be brought to the hotel. Call if you need anything." "Thanks Danny. I will." I'm smiling as I walk out the door. An armed rapist was in my house with my kids and we all made it out unscathed. I can live with this. Cloud is waiting by the van with Bob. They have the kids laughing; even Jeremy has a smile on his face. "Thanks guys. Looks like we're all set to go have dinner at the Diner." The kids all yell. Oh Brother. "It's not even the second Saturday!" Joey yells so excited. "Nope, we'll be eating out all weekend." I tell her. They yell again. Bob is just watching but Cloud laughs. "Thank you for keeping watch Cloud." "It was my pleasure CJ. I'll check on you at the hotel tomorrow." He says with a smile. Damn he is handsome with that smile. I feel the heat working its way up my face so I turn quick and get in the van. I let out my breath and start it up. The kids are yelling and waving to the guys as we pass by them. We pass trucks and a trailer with wood on it. Holy cow they work fast. I'm smiling the whole damn way.
Cloud Fuck I hope she's not married, she's not wearing a ring. She treats every one of those kids as her own, she got away from both Bull and Chet.