you think you should Shift first? These won't fit." Grabbing
my tits, he squeezes gently.
Chagrined I had forgotten, I quickly Shift back into Liv and
he pulls the zipper up.
In the limo on the way home I cuddle up to him. We are very
affectionate creatures with our loved ones. We like to touch and be touched.
Sex is a high priority. I usually have several lovers on the go at any one
time, both Vampires and humans. But I have been so busy lately, it's just
Devon. I don’t know if he is currently sleeping with anyone else. It’s none of
my business and he doesn’t share. Sires can be territorial and possessive, but
I don’t feel that way with Devon. Not really, although having said that if he
were to bring someone home with him and embark on a long-term relationship, I
would definitely have something to say about it. As it is, he never has. I have
never seen him with the same girl twice and as a result I remain a happy,
non-jealous sire and he gets to do what he wants, when he wants. I hold no
demands on him, nor him on me. We live and work together and are very close. My
sire, Constantine Kaius Anasetti D’Arcangelo, lives in Italy, unfortunately. He
is one of the four Initial Vampires, as the name suggests they were the firsts,
which make up The Council. Well, only three members sit on The Council now, the
fourth dropped off the grid millennia ago never to be seen or heard from again.
Vampires from far and wide have been vying for that fourth seat since it
somehow became available. No one really knows what happened, as Initial
Vampires are all but indestructible. Battles to the death have ensued by
power-hungry individuals, but to me it makes no sense. The Council are Initial
Vampires and they cannot be created. Vampire hierarchy is fairly uncomplicated.
The Initial Vampires make Masters, who in turn make Greater Immortals, who in
turn make Lesser Immortals and they go on to make the Bottom Feeders. Bottom
Feeders will never see the light of day. As a Master, I am pretty powerful,
especially as my bloodline is the oldest of the remaining three Initial
Vampires. Even my age alone is daunting to a lot of other Vampires as the older
we are the stronger we get, but that doesn’t put me on a par with the Initials.
I don’t see how any normal Vampire would hold the same sway, as that is all
they are. Normal. Centuries ago, I remember Constantine told be about some
whack-a-doodle prophecy or some such that a fourth member would be chosen. He
was vague with the details but it never really interested me. They have so far
vetoed between the three of them, any contender who has put themself forth.
Often with the death of the individual involved if need be. It’s pretty
frightening, the lengths they will go to, to remain as three. Devon often jokes
I should try and gain it for myself, as my sire holds an affection for me that
borders on obsessive, his words not mine, but I have no interest in it. Or
dying for my efforts. My sire loves me but Gregor and Eloise, the other two
members, are dreadful creatures that I haven’t seen for centuries and I quite
like it that way, as I am sure they do as well. I don’t like to use the word
hate, but yeah I hate them, as they do me.
Constantine, or CK, as I call him by his first two initials
which never change over time (I’m the only one who gets away with the nickname
– it’s just easier to say sometimes) and I hook up whenever I go to see him,
which is usually once a month or so, as we can't bear to be out of one another’s
presence for too long these days. I get the rare odd visit over here in the
States, but as he plays the part of a reclusive billionaire well, he very
rarely gets spotted out in public--because he doesn’t go out in
public--and he is a master at dodging the press, when he does have to go out.
He makes an appearance maybe once a year at one of the many charitable
foundations he sponsors and that is it. I love him deeply as well. He can
terrify the knickers