“There are no fresh tracks on the road or
in the immediate area and it hasn’t rained here in over a week. Not sure why
we’re not seeing any tire tracks or any sign of the river ranger?” said Travis
wiping his brow.
Pete’s face winced slightly while he brushed his
blonde locks out of his eyes. “Not sure to be honest. The vans are usually here
hours before us. Could be the road is closed temporarily from recent flash
flood damage and they’re only letting in the shuttles. Either way, I’ll get on
the SAT phone and give the main office a ring.”
After a few minutes of silence on the phone, Pete
stowed the device in his pack and shook his head in Travis’ direction. “Those
devices are temperamental anyway,” said Travis. “I couldn’t stand using them in
field operations. Hell, my smartphone is more reliable than one of those. Just
give it a try in half an hour.”
After downing some lunch from the remaining food,
they decided to keep the group busy the rest of the afternoon doing an
inventory of the gear and gathering firewood, in case night came without word
from the river company.
A few more unsuccessful attempts on the SAT phone
led Travis over to his friend’s side. “I think we should implement Plan B and
send out some hikers at first light. The rafts are already deflated and we don’t
have enough food to take the group three more days downriver to Lake Mead.”
Pete concurred and, with the sun setting in a few
hours, he told the group that he and Travis would trek to town the following
morning and send a van back for those staying on the beach. Whoever wanted to
come along on the hike was welcome.
Pete couched his anxious tone and uncertainty in
guidespeak. “The nearest town is only sixteen miles south and three thousand
feet in gradual elevation from here. You have already done more arduous day
hikes throughout this trip than anything this walk out will throw at you. And you’re
all part Billy goat by now,” he said putting his hands on his hips. “Halfway
back, there’s a spring nestled in a grove of mesquite trees off the side of the
road. We should be able to replenish our water bottles there. It’ll take us
most of the day to get to Route 66 and the town of Peach Springs. From there,
we can send a van back to get the rest of our gear and anyone choosing to stay
behind. We will head out at a few hours before sunrise to get a jump on the
heat, and should be to town by 4 pm.”
Everyone nodded and agreed to make the hike out
together. As the light faded from the canyon walls and everyone gathered around
the campfire, Travis readied his gear. It was similar to what everyone was
carrying but with a few specialized items from years of desert living. He
jammed his trusty Alice Pack with six quarts of water and then did a review of the
remaining items: electrolyte tabs, shemagh, sunscreen, first aid kit, Mora
knife, headlamp, poncho, 20’ of 550 cord, spark rod, signal mirror, Iodine
tabs, two remaining protein bars, sunglasses, brimmed hat, faded gloves, and a
Ziploc with a soaked, cotton shirt. He would don the latter garment during the
heat of the day to keep cool. From a side pouch, he pulled out a faded photo of
his ten year old son Todd. Hope he had a good end to his summer. School must
have started by now. Can’t wait to for the coming elk hunt we’re going on.
Sliding the picture back into the leather wallet, he
grabbed the pack and stowed itnext to his bedroll. He sauntered over to
the fire and sat next to Katy who was brushing her silky hair, which held the
faint smell of peach blossoms. Travis noticed the slight curve in her red lips
as she looked at him. He recalled her comments from the first day when she
mentioned that she was on the trip “to get away from the shackles of city life
and reconnect with the raw forces of nature.” Her jade green eyes and thick
lashes were overshadowed by newly formed squint lines from living in the sun
and her delighted look seemed far