449, 452
Butler, Roy, 271-72
Butte, George, 101, 123, 124, 126, 133, 152, 201, 243
Butz, Earl, 330, 331
Cabe, Gloria, 391, 438, 439, 443, 445, 447, 448, 452-53, 454-55, 457
Cabe, Robert, 446
Calabresi, Guido, 235
Campbell, Craig, 350
Campbell, Tom, 51, 52-53, 61, 66-67, 70, 73, 87, 88, 97, 98, 105, 106, 108, 116, 175, 217, 224
capital punishment, 302, 434-35, 450, 453
Caplan, Thomas Mark, 52, 53-55, 56, 63, 71, 73-74, 93, 96, 105, 107, 111, 358, 461, 463
Capone, Al, 34
Cardozo, Benjamin, 71
Carmichael, Stokely, 266
Carr, Billie, 265, 266, 269, 280, 281, 299, 390, 443
Carson, Johnny, 446, 447
Carter, Jimmy, 330, 349-50, 351, 357, 376, 377, 379, 381, 388, 394
Carter administration, 359, 377
Cash, Clarence, 347, 349
Cassidy, Edith (grandmother), 21, 22, 23, 25, 30-31, 32, 49, 425
Clintonâs letters to, 52, 53, 56, 60, 77-78, 83, 84, 87, 88
Cassidy, Eldridge (grandfather), 21, 22-23, 29, 30, 31, 78, 367, 406, 424, 425
Cassidy, George Washington, 437
Cates, Richard, 309-10
Cecil, Ron, 14, 36, 43, 147, 299, 330
Champ, Bebe, 276, 277, 279, 283, 284
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 370
Childrenâs Defense Fund, 315, 369
Christian, George, 271
civil rights, 19, 30, 75, 267, 301-2
Clintonâs support of, 16-17, 63, 72, 85, 94, 104-5, 113-14, 135, 239, 453-54
Clark, J. Steven, 288
Clay, Eric, 238
Clinton, Allen W. (grandfather), 65-66
Clinton, Chelsea Victoria (daughter), 375, 391, 392, 394, 428, 441, 442-43, 453, 459, 463, 464
Clinton, Hillary,
Rodham, Hillary
Clinton, Ilaree, 34
Clinton, Ina Mae Murphy, 31
Clinton, Raymond (uncle), 31, 33, 34, 75, 118-19, 162, 172, 300
Clinton, Robert, 34
Clinton, Roger (stepfather), 33, 37, 67, 104, 118, 144, 304, 421, 425
alcoholism and abusiveness of, 35, 38-41, 92
background and character of, 31, 34
Clintonâs relationship with, 32, 39-41, 66, 91-92, 100
death of, 99-100, 238
Clinton, Roger Cassidy (half-brother), 37, 60, 175, 238, 313, 326, 334, 368, 404
Clintonâs relationship with, 40-41, 66, 197, 344, 423-24
drug conviction of, 419-23
Clinton, Roy, 34
Clinton, Virginia,
Kelley, Virginia
Clinton, William Jefferson:
âapologyâ ad broadcast by, 397-99, 400
athletics and, 100-101, 141
birth of, 14, 21, 28, 29
campaign fund-raising by, 300, 346, 351,
368, 385, 403, 418, 439, 457
as center of family, 37-41
chronic lateness of, 98-99, 305-6, 321, 362, 363-64, 395
citizenship-renouncing rumor about, 207-8
death as viewed by, 345, 349, 352
draft status as political issue for, 190-92, 324-25, 332, 356, 458
draft status of, 85, 106, 107, 118-21, 122, 132, 145, 147, 149, 162, 164, 165-66, 167-84, 190-94, 198-205, 208, 464
drinking by, 51, 71, 126, 142, 211, 215, 221-22, 280, 298
election defeats suffered by, 17-18, 42, 55, 88-91, 336-38, 339, 376, 384-89, 397, 398
European grand tour taken by, 206-15, 220-22
father figures of, 44, 48, 199-200, 236, 424, 433
first election victory of, 14-15
first gubernatorial inauguration of, 358-360
first political speech given by, 48-49
grade school education of, 35-36
high school education of, 38, 41-49
index card files of, 284, 389, 392, 394
jogging by, 93, 416, 427
marijuana and, 153-54, 333
money as viewed by, 334, 367-68, 427
name of, 32, 36, 40-41, 305
nicknames of, 40, 49, 294, 334, 364, 454
outgoingness and charm of, 14, 35-36, 52,61, 124, 133, 139-41, 144, 150, 153, 160, 195, 212, 221, 238
physical appearance of, 12, 32, 95, 174, 185, 209, 211, 212, 216-17, 221, 222, 224, 227, 233, 265, 269, 286, 291, 297-98, 374
political compromises made by, 361, 367, 415
political evolution of, 89, 114, 135, 137-138, 140, 158-59, 230, 232, 236, 284-285, 289, 348-49, 407, 411, 416-18, 432, 453-54
political future predicted for, 15, 67-68, 86, 113, 124, 143-44, 168, 186, 217-218, 222, 247, 269, 281, 286, 288-89, 313, 339-40, 358, 436-37
political nature and understanding of, 14, 128-29, 162, 217, 239-40, 262, 275, 279, 282, 284-85, 295, 323, 351, 355, 367, 390, 396,