talk about himself, and he’ll probably tell you what Maggie would rather you didn’t know.”
“Fine, I’ll do it at dinner.”
Cooling down, they started back to the house, and he walked with a slight limp. “Do you always just jump right in?” he asked.
“Life is short. I don’t see the point in brooding over things. I just get them done.”
“What are you studying in school?”
“Kinesiology. I’ve taken an extra course every semester so I’ll graduate this winter. I hope to coach women’s sports. I’ll probably have to begin as a high school coach to gain experience before moving up to college teams. I’m already working as a personal trainer on the side.”
“Maggie and I have thirteen-year-old twin sisters who model. Have you ever considered modeling? You’ve got the shape designers love.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m tall and built like a coat hanger, but I can’t hold still long enough to pose.”
Santos halted abruptly. “I didn’t compare you to a coat hanger.”
Libby slowed down. “No, but you were thinking it.”
“No, I wasn’t,” he protested sharply.
Libby laughed. He was so handsome a frown didn’t diminish his looks. His lean, muscular build didn’t hurt his cause either. She reluctantly recalled Maggie’s advice. “It’s fun having a brother. I always wanted one.”
He caught her arm and turned her toward him. “I’m Maggie’s brother, not yours.”
Startled by the fire in his eyes, she jerked free and sprinted away. She hadn’t meant to provoke him, but if that were an example of his hot Spanish temperament, it no longer mattered how attractive he was. She’d seen enough to last her until she flew home.
The curved balconies on the Aragon’s beach house dripped with magenta bougainvillea, making it impossible to miss. Maggie and Rafael were seated on the patio, and Libby walked up from the shore to join them.
Maggie leaned forward to look down the beach. “Where’s Santos?”
“He couldn’t keep up,” Libby replied. She smiled at Rafael. “I hear you’re going to medical school. Will you fight bulls on the weekends?”
“No. I was lucky enough to be offered a full scholarship, and I’ve fought my last bull. I’ll take you to see Santos on Sunday. He’s very good, if not his father’s equal.”
“Thank you. Are you coming, Maggie?”
“No, I’d root for the bull, and I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”
Julian, the chef’s shaggy-haired helper, brought Libby a glass of iced tea on a silver tray. She thanked him and waited until he’d returned to the kitchen to speak. “How many servants are there?”
Maggie counted on her fingers. “There’s Mrs. Lopez and a couple of maids; the chef and his two helpers; Manuel, who takes care of the cars and sees to the grounds. I think that’s it.”
“Only seven?” Libby asked, clearly amazed. “We never had more than a cleaning lady who came in once a week.”
“There’s no comparison between our family and Miguel Aragon’s household, so don’t try and make one,” Maggie cautioned. “This is a completely different world.”
From what she’d seen, Libby had to agree. She took a long sip of her tea. There was a lemon slice in the bottom of the glass and a sprig of mint at the top. It tasted very good in addition to looking like a menu illustration. She set it aside on the glass-topped table. “Are you going to live here after you’re married?”
“No,” Rafael answered. “My apartment is closer to the university.”
“What about your teaching job, Maggie?” Libby asked.
“I’ve already resigned. I do need to sell my condo in Tucson and pick up my things, but it can wait.”
“You ought to lease the condo,” Libby advised. “You two might want to live in Arizona someday.”
“Spain will be our home,” Rafael replied, and Maggie offered no argument.
Growing increasingly wary, Libby picked up her tea and stood. “Maybe I will take a nap.” She was impressed when