Fallen Angels 01 - Covet

Fallen Angels 01 - Covet Read Free

Book: Fallen Angels 01 - Covet Read Free
Author: J.R. Ward
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owner of the club, insisted that all the women who worked for him use the designated spaces that were closest to the back door. He was as good as the Reverend had been about taking care of his employees, and they all appreciated it. Caldwell had a seedy side, and the Iron Mask was right in the thick of it.
    Marie-Terese got out with her duffel and looked up. The bright lights of the city dulled the few stars that twinkled around the patchy clouds, and the heavens seemed even farther away than they were.
    Closing her eyes, she took long, deep breaths and drew the collar of her coat in tight. When she went into the club, she would be in the body and mind of someone else. Someone she didn't know and wouldn't care to remember in the future. Someone who disgusted her.
    Someone she despised.
    Last breath.
    Just before she cracked her lids, that panic flared again, sweat breaking out under her clothes and over her brow in spite of the cold.
    As her heart beat like she was running from a mugger, she wondered how many more nights of this she had left in her. The anxiety seemed to be getting worse with every week, an avalanche picking up speed, sweeping over her, covering her in icy weight.
    Except she couldn't stop. She was still paying off debts...some financial, some that felt existential. Until she was back where she started, she needed to stay where she didn't want to be.
    And besides, she told herself that she didn't want to not go through this shocking anxiety. It meant she hadn't surrendered to the circumstances completely and that at least some part of her true self still survived.
    Not for much longer, a small voice pointed out.
    The back door to the club swung open and an accented voice said her name in the most beautiful way. “You okay, Marie-Terese?”
    She flipped open her eyes, put her mask on, and strode with calm purpose over to her boss. Trez had no doubt seen her on one of the security cameras; God knew they were everywhere.
    “I'm fine, Trez, thanks.”
    He held the door open for her, and as she walked by him, his dark eyes scanned her. With coffee-colored skin and a face that seemed Ethiopian in its smooth bones and perfectly balanced lips, Trez Latimer was a looker—although his manners were the most attractive thing about him, as far as she was concerned. The guy had gallantry down to a science.
    Although you didn't want to cross him.

    “You do that every night,” he said as he shut the door behind them and cranked the bar bolt in place. “You stand by your car and look at the sky. Every night.”
    “Do I?”
    “Anybody bothering you?”
    “No, but if someone was, I would tell you.”
    “Any thing bothering you?”
    “Nope. I'm good.”
    Trez didn't look convinced as he escorted her down to the ladies'
    locker room and left her at the door. “Remember, I'm available twenty-four/seven, and you can talk to me anytime.”
    “I know. And thank you.”
    He put his hand to his heart and gave her a little bow. “My pleasure.
    You take care of yourself.”
    The locker room was walled with long metal compartments and broken up by benches that were screwed down into the floor. Against the far wall, the lighted showgirl mirror had a six-foot-long counter that was littered with makeup, and there were hairpieces and skimpy clothes and stilettos everywhere. The air smelled like girl sweat and shampoo.
    As usual, she had the place to herself. She was always the first to come in and the first to leave, and now that she was in work mode, there were no hesitations, no hiccups in the routine.
    Coat went into her locker. Street shoes were kicked off. Scrunchie was pulled free of her ponytail. Duffel bag was yanked open.
    Her blue jeans and her white turtleneck and her navy blue fleece were traded for a set of clothes she wouldn't be caught dead wearing on Halloween: microscopic Lycra skirt, halter top that came down to the bottom of her ribs, thigh-highs with lace tops, and pimpish pumps that pinched her

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