Arriving at the table, Angel tightened his grip on her waist, trying to be supportive. Also, to help her stand.
“Ciao.” He greeted everyone as Jess stood, zombie-like as the men hugged, exchanging kisses on the cheek. Seeing her legs shake, he immediately placed his arms back around her waist when finished.
She smiled up at him gratefully. Always her knight in shining armor.
“Does everyone know my lady, Jess?”
Several of the men knew exactly who she was, watching for her reaction.
One slip, and Jess was dead.
She would see to it.
Jess wondered if instinctively, Connie already knew.
She looked directly at Jess shrewdly, her smile never quite reaching her eyes. No need to wonder, Connie knew exactly who she was.
This fucked up situation right here.
It was unreal, surreal…shit just got real.
All of that.
Knowing she had to respond in a reasonable manner. Conveying her ability to form complete sentences, she forced herself to smile, extending her hand.
“I don’t believe we’ve met. You must be Nick’s wife. I’m Jess. It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well. Jess, is it?”
“You are correct.”
Connie smirked at her sudden formality.
“Is that short for Jessica?”
“No. It’s Jess.”
“Oh. You must be a dancer here too.” Jess looked around, seeing all the wives at the table giving her dirty looks. She never felt so cheap in her life.
Angel once again saved her.
“She’s a professional dancer, Connie. And a model. She’s walking in a show next week at Fashion Week. This gig is until she makes it big. You know. Like on Broadway.”
“Well…isn’t that convenient.” One of Connie’s friends snickered.
Nick caught her eye, trying his hardest to console her without being caught.
Jess felt sick. She knew she had to escape before she sobbed hysterically, vomited or both.
Plastering a false smile on her face, gripping Angel’s hand tightly, she straightened her spine.
Yeah, she was fucking her husband. But no way was she going to let her degrade her any further.
“Pleasure meeting you all. If you’ll excuse me, I need to run to the back to get something I left.”
“Of course, dear. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” Connie smiled faintly, absently rubbing her hand on Nick’s thigh.
Count on it , her eyes told Jess.
Jess pretended not to notice. “Angel, you’ll wait for me?” She looked at him, eyes begging him to get her the fuck out of there. Now.
Damn Nick for this. Damn him for everything.
“Of course, bambino. I’ll meet you by the bar.”
Leaning over, she kissed him on the lips. Using her tongue to trace an outline around his mouth. Angel stood immobile, looking like he didn’t know quite what to do.
The men at the table fantasized for one brief moment about having those delectable, luscious lips on any part of their body, even for a second. You could almost hear every pair of pants tighten in solidarity, as cocks stood to immediate attention.
Nick sat, looking furious.
Jess broke the kiss. Giving Angel a squeeze on his thigh, before sauntering away. She turned, speaking to Angel but maintaining eye contact only with Nick.
“Don’t keep me waiting.”
It was the one measure of satisfaction she got heading out.
That, and the look on those bitches faces as she walked away.
Take that, assholes.
She made a beeline to his office. Slipping inside, she barely got the door shut before sinking to the floor breaking down into tears.
How could she be so stupid? Why would she subject herself to this type of humiliation? Hadn’t she learned the hard way about shit like this?
He was married. At some point, she knew this was bound to happen.
Why act hurt about it now?
Angel knocked on the door a short time later. “Jess?”
“Yeah. Come on in, Angel.” She composed herself as he opened the door, poking his head in.
“Nick said to come out and leave with me. I’m supposed
Janwillem van de Wetering