the Word can do. They know its power. Now you need to know it and be persuaded of it too.
January 11: The Just Live by Faith
Habakkuk 2:1-4
Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
Habakkuk 2:4
The just don’t use their faith occasionally or only when they’re in trouble. The just live by faith. This describes faith as a part of our life that is as essential as eating or breathing.
When my wife and I first started in ministry, we struggled financially. We often used the phrase “living by faith” to describe our condition. Indeed, it took a miracle each day to eat, pay bills, or buy gas for our car. Even though our faith has grown to a level where we walk in blessings and don’t have to use our faith to receive food each day, we still live by faith. Our faith is what enables us to relate to God and thereby minister to others, which in turn produces finances to meet our needs. Our whole life is consumed with faith!
You don’t have to be a minister to live by faith. Everyone needs to fellowship with the Lord daily, which takes faith. We need to recognize God as our Source, and not rely only on our jobs. We need to depend on Him to handle the pressures of family and work that confront us every day. We need to walk in faith not just for ourselves but also for others. The people we encounter each day need the Lord.
You have other people’s miracles on the inside of you that can only be released as you live by faith. Make a conscious decision to live by faith today. If all your needs are met, believe God to help someone else. As you practice living by faith daily, your faith will grow. And then when you’re in need, you’ll be ready to receive by faith. The just live by faith.
January 12: Hearing His Voice
John 10:1-5
To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
John 10:3
Jesus said that His sheep know His voice, and they do not know the voice of strangers (vv. 4,5). Yet it seems most Christians experience the opposite. The vast majority of believers hear the devil, the world, and their flesh loud and clear, but they have a hard time hearing the Lord. That’s not normal Christianity.
Jesus painted a picture showing that His sheep are sensitive to His voice and hard of hearing when it comes to anyone else. That should be the typical Christian experience. So what is happening to us? Why does our experience seem to be so different from what Jesus said it would be?
We can be assured that the problem is our hearing, not God’s speaking. He speaks to us continually in many different ways, but we often miss it. Psalm 19:1-4 and Romans 1:20 declare God speaks to us through creation. Each day has something new to say to us, but we are too busy to notice.
God also speaks through His Word, but few of us find the time to read it, study it, and meditate on it. We are too busy making time for television, the Internet, movies, work, sports, and a multitude of other things that fill our heads and hearts with everything but Jesus. Is it any wonder we don’t hear Him or recognize His voice when He speaks to us?
Jesus said He is speaking to you and has equipped you to hear His voice. You just need to tune in! Make time today and every day to hear no other voice but His, and it won’t be long before you hear Him more than anyone or anything else.
January 13: Knowing Who You Are
Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13
And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
Matthew 4:3
Two of Satan’s three temptations began with the words, “If you be the Son of God.” Jesus was God, but He did have a human body that had to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God. (John 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:16; Luke 2:52.) It took faith for the physical mind of Jesus to believe the witness of the Spirit within Him that He was the Messiah.
In Matthew 4:3,
S.R. Watson, Shawn Dawson
Jennifer Miller, Scott Appleton, Becky Miller, Amber Hill