Dennis can you imagine all the poor students we got stretched out across this country right now trying to get home with no gas pumps working and no money even if they found a station with a generator running? Just that segment of the population itself is so screwed. Hey did you with your emergency management connections ever find out what the plan for prisons were in a situation like this? “Charles asked as he watched Dennis start pacing around as he was apt to do when he had a lot on his mind.
“ No my friend I haven’t and God help the millions of them men and women as well us at this dark moment. I got a feeling that a lot of them convicts are being shot or starved to death at the moment. It’s really too horrible to think about. I don’t mean to change the subject on you so quick, but I cant even wrap my head around that scene. The prisons in the south that raise most of their own food might carry on for awhile. Hell holes like Angola prison in Louisiana are used to operating before, during and after a disaster, but who knows about the rest? I guess if the wardens or sheriffs have a soul they release all the non violent prisoners but how about the hardcore criminals? Damn! Let’s just change the subject man to our little piece of the world. We got problems aplenty ourselves just considering the good old boy law abiding folks that will soon be desperate enough to do anything to feed their families. Every dang one of the houses around here have guns aplenty and more than likely are already in the woods trying to hunt game. There are some crazy bastards living around here as you well know and I got to wonder if folks are going to be hunting each other as well as animals in these woods.” Dennis said ominously.
“ It won’t take but one stray bullet or one back woods confrontation to set a feud off with these rednecks around here. Every one is going to be now “tribing” up or forming family clans about right now. Hell old Sikes down the road has 10 deer hunters as relatives for his own little private army not counting the wives or children under nine armed with 22 rifles that live within a half a mile of each other. If you count the neighbors that will fight with them you got a couple platoons or a company size force to deal with. You think ever think about that Dennis?” Charles asked sagely.
“ Yea I did and I didn’t. The human mind is a strange thing in a survival situation as you well know. You and me are reverting back to our military discipline and camaraderie, but those who never experienced that kind of discipline or thought processes tend to do a lot of authority challenging or internal quibbling amongst themselves when the chips are down. That’s our only advantage and for all I know the likelihood of every house within 10 miles of us having at least one blood kin relative who has served in the armed forces is almost assured. Just in National Guard troops Alabama has more soldiers serving than any other state in the union. Christ we used to say if they started the Civil war again we would win by sheer numbers. We in deep deep doo doo my friend if anybody gets the ass with us or wants to take what we got.” Dennis said fatalistically.
A dark look went over Charles face that Dennis well knew and his mind raced to get his friend out of the “thousand yard stare” status of a Vietnam vet with post traumatic stress syndrome.
‘ We ain`t going to war brother.” Dennis said quietly fighting off his own nightmares and regrets.
Charles looked at him hard and after contemplating a moment upon seeing Dennis’s look of resignation his own heart took over and he murmured the old soldiers lament of “War No More” and grasped his friends shoulder momentarily with a gaze that could have betrayed either one of them’s thoughts of shedding a tear for fallen comrades or lives ill spent. “ You and I Charles have already identified the “problem people” on this road we need