
Eleanor Read Free

Book: Eleanor Read Free
Author: Joseph P. Lash
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257, 268, 322, 336
    barnstorming the nation for, 220
    commercializes on her seventieth birthday, 239
    Eleanor becomes educational volunteer in, 220
    American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 178
    American Committee for Yugoslav Relief, 86
    American Friends Service Committee, 326
    American Legion, Americanism Commission of, 237
    Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 81, 164, 234, 235, 289
    Eleanor agrees to serve as honorary chairman, 236–37
    founding meeting, Eleanor’s support of, 79–81
    and 1956 Democratic civil rights plank, 254
    Roosevelt Day Dinner, 290
    American Youth Congress, 151
    Anderson, Clinton P., 135–36
    Anderson, Eugenie, 261
    Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 104, 105, 107
    Aquinas, Thomas, 46
    Arabs, see Palestine question
    Arriba , 155
    Arvey, Jake, 139
    As He Saw It, 78
    Asia, 148, 192–93
    Astor, Lady, 25
    Attlee, Clement, 103–4, 105, 108, 343, 343 n
    Atwood, William, 271
    Auerbach, Beatrice Fox, 331
    Austin, Warren R., 51, 78, 115, 127, 192, 194
    Australia, 30, 102
    Baker, Noel, 25, 32
    Baldwin, Calvin B., 82
    Baldwin, Roger, 237, 318, 331
    Balfour Declaration, 121
    Barden Bill, 162
    Barkley, Alben, 20
    Baruch, Bernard, 95, 128, 140, 146–47, 243–44, 306, 318
    and Eleanor’s resignation from UN, 214, 216
    international atomic energy control plan, controversy over, 77
    and Stevenson candidacy (1952), 209–11
    and Stevenson candidacy (1956), 266
    Baumgartner, Leona, 324
    Bay of Pigs, 324
    Beal, Frank, 166
    Beard, James, 183
    Beaser, Herbert, 209
    Belafonte, Harry, 319
    Benét, Stephen Vincent, 184
    Ben-Gurion, David, 329, 343 n
    Benjamin, Robert, 297, 305, 336
    Benton, William, 246, 262, 283, 297, 301, 319
    Berlin, 63, 188
    Berlin Wall, 326
    Bernadotte, Count Folke, 127–28
    Bernstein, Leonard, 319
    Bethune, Mary McLeod, 235
    Bevin, Ernest, 25, 33, 88, 107, 108, 110
    Bidault, Georges, 33
    Bilbo, Theodore G., 20, 104
    Billboard , 182
    Bingham, Barry, 243
    Blanshard, Paul, 152
    Bloom, Sol, 23, 30, 34, 173
    Boettiger, John, 178
    Boettiger, John Roosevelt (grandson), 322
    Bogomolov, Alexander E., 54
    compliments Eleanor at Geneva, 57
    Bohlen, Charles E. (Chip), 90, 91–92, 95, 122–23, 141, 142
    Bokhari, Mr., 193
    Bolling, Richard, 249, 292
    Borisov, Alexander, 42–43
    Bourne, Dorothy, 199, 315
    Bowers, Claude G., 203
    Bowles, Chester, 17 n , 143, 196, 197, 200, 202, 204, 282–83, 305, 306, 319
    Bowles, Dorothy Stebbins, 200
    Bowman, Isaiah, 101–2
    Brandeis University, 164, 310
    Bricker, John W., 219
    Bricker amendment, 206, 219, 220, 221
    Bromfield, Louis, 98
    Browder, Earl, 14
    Brown, Harrison, 19
    Brown, Richard, 315
    Bryan, Julien, 237
    Buckley, William F., 279, 322
    Bugbee, Emma, 237
    Bunche, Ralph J., 24, 129, 130, 237, 239, 251, 341
    Burma, 201
    Burns, James M., 249
    Butler, Paul, 248, 254, 255, 265, 270, 283, 293–98
    Bye, George, 43, 150, 185, 311
    Byelorussians, 31
    Byrne, Doris, 14
    Byrnes, James, 14, 19, 23, 24, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 90, 92, 114 n
    Caffery, Jefferson, 195
    “Calf Path, The,” 183
    Campaigns, see Democrats/Democratic party
    Campobello, 184, 333
    and Franklin D. Roosevelt memorial plans, 327
    Canada, 30, 327
    Canfield, Cass, 185, 200, 311
    Carey, James, 235, 335
    Carlin, George, 16
    Carman, Harry J., 222–23, 225, 227
    Cassin, René, 42, 50–51, 63, 65, 67 n , 343 n , 344
    Cecil, Robert Viscount, 32
    Celler, Emanuel, 335
    Chandor, Douglas, 171
    Chang, Peng-Chun, 46, 48–49
    Chiang Kai-shek, Mme., 201, 309
    Chicago Tribune , 92
    Chichibu, Princess (Setsuko Matsudaira), 227
    Chile, 203
    China, 22
    see also Formosa; Red China
    Christie, Lansdell, 319, 331
    Churchill, Winston, 5, 26, 31, 78, 85, 181
    Eleanor on at war’s end, 11–12
    “Iron Curtain” speech, she fears influence on Truman, 71
    Jewish refugee question and, 103
    visits Hyde Park, 71
    CIO-PAC, 15
    Citizens Committee for Children, 17, 165, 314
    Civil rights, American, 207, 290, 327–28
    and drafting of Human Rights Declaration and Covenant, 50–51, 53–55, 58–59
    and 1956 presidential

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