Dez had far too much on her own mind.
Dez and Tawny had come to shortening each other’s name a few years back when they were joking around with Dylan. Dez had remembered how Dylan always called her “Deziny”. While Destiny did not mind the name Dez, and it had stuck, Tawny would scowl if anyone other than Dez called her Tay.
Saturday brunch was usually a festive meal, sharing the week’s adventures and mishaps. It was canning day and the girls were excited to finally finish canning up the summer crops. They had been talking about it all week, but today they ate with minimal conversation the announcement had spoiled their excitement.
The only exception being Dylan, who regaled them with his plans for the new trap design he had invented. He had planned to finally capture the squirrel he’d been tracking for the past two weeks. The adults had hardly noticed he was speaking, as they each had their own thoughts to ponder.
Dylan being a precocious six year old, was agitated that no one was listening to him and he yelled out defiantly,
“No one is listening to me!”
His outburst brought Matt back into the moment and he looked up at him, who at this point was almost in tears. Matt apologized to Dylan and offered to help him build his trap and asked him to tell him how he was going to build it.
As he and Matt headed for the door to start on his trap. Dylan continued to regale him with all his plans. He was happily bouncing alongside Matt, explaining all of the details of his design. Dez tousled Dylan’s curly hair and commented how lucky they all were to have such an inventive young man around. Tawny smiled at them as they left, they both knew it had been hard on her, the way Dylan’s father had been killed.
Tawny was a pretty woman with curly blonde hair and blue eyes that always made Dez jealous. She hated having brown eyes. But Tawny always managed to find the wrong man, though, consistently finding a guy who lied about anything from his marital status to his income. Dez believed it was because she could never accept the death of Dylan’s father.
She was heavier than Dez, but more in a shapely way than a heavy way, she did well for herself and did not really want anything more than companionship. Today she looked small the way she hunched over the counter cleaning up the dishes.
This attitude from her had always bothered Dez, she hated it when Tawny would lose confidence and she often wished for her a kind man one who would be good to Dylan and her. She often told Matt how glad she was that he helped her with Dylan and treated her like family.
Chapter 2
“The meeting”
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
— Abraham Lincoln
The day progressed as any normal Saturday, Dez and Tawny worked in the garden and managed to can up fifteen quarts of tomato sauce, while Matt and Dylan worked on the squirrel trap. During the week they each had their own things going on, and they all very much enjoyed the Saturday home time each week.
As the late day sun began to set, Matt and Dylan came walking back up to the house. Dylan burst through the door exclaiming,
“It’s ready!”
Jumping up and down with such excitement it made everyone laugh. Dez winked at Tawny and said,
“Children have a way of making even a darkest day bright.”
Matt came in right behind feeling rather satisfied with himself, which also was a sign to the girls, that there was at least a chance his trap design was workable.
When Matt came in he was scuffing his dirty boots across the floor and Dez frowned at him giving that look she often gave when he was messing up the house with dirty boots. He looked at her with that ‘what?’ look he always got when she scowled at him and knew he had better return to the mat to remove his boots. Dez laughed and said,
“Clean up for dinner, gentlemen.”
Tawny often protective of Des