pictures or all of the items that made this our home, again? Pain and
sadness come over me until my husband's next words flood me with
nothing but pure terror.
"They're here!"
Chapter 4
Will grabs my hand and pulls
me toward the stairs. He was pretty darn smart in thinking to turn
the lights off in the laundry room and the shed and, also, for
disabling that damn sensor light so we might have a better chance of
staying unnoticed until we can safely get inside the van.
The boys are waiting at the
bottom of the stairs and my heart breaks seeing the fear on their
faces. On one hand, I am almost glad to see it. Maybe they won't
treat this like a game and will be more careful. I was afraid all the
games, movies, and shows would desensitize them to the very real
danger. On the other hand, seeing that fear on my babies faces pisses
me off and I know now that I CAN kill to protect them. I
always said I could, but until it's a very real possibility, saying
and doing are two very different things.
Will slowly walks into the shed.
He looks around outside and then motions for us to follow. We quietly
walk up behind him and wait.
"When I unlock the van we
have to get inside fast, but try to stay quiet. I don't know if the
van being unlocked will alert them, but I want us to assume it will.
The lights when we open the door definitely will. Honey, you open the
front door and let me get in first so I can get to the driver's seat,
then you get in fast. Alright?" We all nod our heads. "Let's
do it". He slowly and silently turns the handle on the door with
one hand while holding my key fob in the other. He stays crouched
down and creeps outside, moving to the side of the door.
We follow his example and once we
are all out, Will quickly pushes the unlock button twice. Then he
pushes the automatic door button and the door starts to slide open. I
throw open the front door and he somehow vaults into the driver's
seat. The boys are in and the door is sliding closed when I hear THEM
for the first time. I stop. I can't move. I can't breathe. I can't
moans and groans. The screams of neighbors being ripped apart. And
the smell! It's HORRIBLE! I can't even describe it. There are no words to describe it.
Will throws a crumbled up piece
of junk mail at my head, bringing me back from the frozen state I was
in. I jump in the van, close the door, and hit the auto lock. As Will
backs the van out of the odd position I placed it in, I notice our
neighbor is backing out of her garage. I am so relieved to see her
alive and, at the moment, safe. I pray she stays that way. She's a
nice woman. Very good neighbor. Oh, even better! I see her grandson,
who is a few years younger than Ash, sitting in the passenger seat.
He lives in Stephan so it's a good thing he is with grandma tonight.
I hope they aren't going back to Stephan. Surely not. No. She turns
the opposite direction.
Will finally gets us backed out
and facing the end of the driveway and I get my first real-life view
of what should have only ever been just costume and makeup. If only
it was!
Maybe a half dozen or so are in
our yard and driveway alone. More moving around the fields and other
properties surrounding ours. They look exactly like you would see in
the better movies. Dark, dead eyes. Body parts and chunks of flesh
missing. Insides on the outside. Some fully clothed. Some not. All
doing the zombie shuffle. Some are following our neighbor as if they
have a chance in hell of catching her as she flies down the road.
Some are doing their best to get inside a few neighbors homes. Some
are already snacking on the unfortunate who didn't run fast enough,
or didn't think fast enough, or just didn't know what the hell
was going on fast enough. Some are coming straight for us.
We hear a THUD from the very
back, side window and then glass bursts inside the van. The boys and
I scream and Will cusses as he presses on the gas and our van shoots
forward. As we pass another one, it reaches out