numbers, especially the number eight. It took eight days to hear back from you. And I agree, Ironics should definitely be a font. Maybe in your free time in Afghanistan, you can work on making that happen. ;)
(That was my attempt at a wink face with my handwriting, which by the way I’m glad you were able to read as printing is not my forte.)
I don’t have any personal connections to anyone in the military but I do meet with members of the military quite frequently. As I mentioned in my early letter, it is probably best that I not alert you to my company name in case that would cause a conflict of interest. And I really wouldn’t want that, especially given how much I already like you based off one letter. There I go again, sounding odd. Believe me, I’m not like Morello from OITNB. Have you watched that? Do you get a chance to watch shows over there?
I know exactly what you mean about being alone while you are surrounded by others. That is how Christmas would be for me this year. I could go home, but I don’t want to. Around my family, I would feel claustrophobic and alone, all mixed in one. I gave them an excuse about my job having a major project going on right now, and I couldn’t make the trip. Which isn’t exactly a lie. I always have BIG projects going on. But technically, I could get away and drive up to Pennsylvania to see them. But like I said, I don’t want to. So yes, I’ll be entirely alone on Christmas…cue Elvis.
In case you are wondering, I do not own any cats. I just reread the last paragraph, and I thought I should mention this. I’m not even a cat person; they freak me out. For some reason, they are always clawing at me and—I just shuddered. You couldn’t see it, but I thought you should know. Anyway, I am a dog person. I love dogs. But I’m not home enough to care for one. So, it’s just me and my Ficus plant. (WOW, I sound so lame.)
Anyway, someday, I hope to get a dog. Maybe when work slows down. As if! (That was a shout out to one of my favorite movies as a child).
Your letter is making me hungry. Now I want to rush out for some Mexican food. I love quesadillas, fajitas, and enchiladas, which are all basically tacos rolled differently if you think about it. Your family sounds nice. Where are your mom and dad living? Does your brother send you care packages?
To answer your question, yes, I am single. I’ve had my share of “fun” dates but no lasting relationships. I tried dating a few politicians, and let’s just say, I will not ever make it to senator's wife status. The rest of DC well, I just haven’t met anyone. I have my job and my friends. Liz is married, so we mainly keep our outings to a happy hour or rare brunch on the weekends. And Millie just got engaged, so you can imagine how much free girl time she has. I suppose I could reach out and try to find new gal pals, but I’m not really interested in that.
Thank you for your offer of a triple…that would be really something.
I just reread your letter about me writing hundreds of soldiers, hoping, perhaps, to catch one of them. Hahaha…can you imagine a hundred soldiers receiving my rambling nonsense? I did mention I'm a career woman. I can’t have more than one person know about the whacky thoughts in my head.
I hope you’ll keep my secret and write again. And if you have access to email, here is mine:
[email protected] If I don’t hear from you till after Christmas, I hope yours was merry and bright. I bet the stars in Afghanistan truly bring the Christmas spirit to life. ;)
Chapter Four
[email protected] Sent: 12/12/15 3:18To:
[email protected] Dear Civilian Girl,
Your letter made me smile. It has been a while since I smiled, so my muscles were out of practice. I needed that, so thank you.
I made a game of counting how many times you said, “I shouldn’t say,” or “I shouldn’t do,”