and downright pissed off
at that. I didn’t blame him. Chandra deserved a lot better. Reave, too! Don’t
get me wrong. But as a brother, you expect this shit to happen. No women and no
children had been the SHMC motto from the beginning, even before our reformed
ways. We did some gnarly and seriously rancid shit back in the day. Guns,
drugs, gambling – you name it. But we always left the women and children out of
No prostituting, no hitting. Rape was liable to get your
dick chopped off – which is why, no matter how fucking hard, no matter how
often the Suicide Kings tried to get me to join in on one of their trains, it
was no fucking dice. Because very rarely, if ever, were the chicks they were
fucking at all clear-headed or into it.
It bothered me, a whole fuck of a lot, the way these animals
treated their women and I found myself spilling it all. I told D everything I’d
seen going on, everything I could garner about their operation, in effect,
unburdening my soul from all the awful shit I’d been a party to in the name of
the greater good. In the name of spying out our enemy. He was quiet for a long
time on the other end and finally let out a sigh that made him sound like he
felt every single year and every single mile. It’d been weeks since I last
talked to him beyond a short text. The deeper I got in with these fuckers, the
more I was around them, the less opportunity there was for full on communication.
“Do you need out?” he asked.
My thoughts drifted to Raccoon, to her sharp and calculating
stare as she’d passed me my face mask.
“No man, I’m good. My work ain’t over yet. Not by a long,
flat, mile. It’ll be done when every one of these fuckers is in the ground and
the Suicide Kings ain’t nothin’ but the dust of fuckin’ memory.”
“Poetic,” he said, “What about our little rodent problem?”
“Ain’t heard much, on account of bein’ out on the road. Just
know it’s female, and from what I have heard, it ain’t pillow talk.
They’re strong-arming her somehow. I just don’t have enough to say who, or how
they’re doing it. Curse of being a prospect and it being straight-up Gordy and
Pipes’ show. Those fuckers are paranoid as all get-out, and play things super
close to the vest. I’ll let you know when I got something. What about on your
“Narrowing the field of suspects. Been a lot easier since
the girls’ been stayin’ in Florida. If you’re sayin’ they’ve been in contact
with the rat recent, then it eliminates all of our women in the club.” He gave
a gusty sigh, “Not that I figured it was any of them in the first place.”
“Dray’s heading down to the girls this weekend, he’s taking
Open Road Garage’s books down with him for Shelly to go over. She’s already
been over Open Road Ink’s and, as suspected, come up empty. ORG’s got employees
who aren’t strictly club, but it’s a club business so we’re digging deeper. ‘Sides
that, the fucker we caught during the raid had some interesting things to say
about what our people were up to the day we got hit, and damn few people knew
what was up with that. Just keep doing what you’re doing and give us a heads up
when you can. Stay sharp and straight Brother, you need out we can go at this
another way.”
I sighed, “I’m oh-for-two and not about to give up yet.” I
said dispassionately.
“Hey! Grinder ain’t your fault, Boy. Neither is what
happened to the club. It was just shitty luck they had you on that run when the
club went down. No one knew a goddamned thing about Grinder until the deed was
already done. Those fuckers were smart about it and kept their mouths shut
until they was sure he was dead. You don’t get to take those on.”
“Yeah, about that… Rush, Archer and Nox still in town?” I
“Patched over. They’re in it to win it until they got blood
for blood on Grinder. They all came up in the system together, under the same
roof. May not be blood but
Janwillem van de Wetering