on her side in a little ball. Raven snorted once, she remembered that much… then sleep fell hard upon her.
Jenevier woke with a jolt, landing hard upon the dusty ground.
“Wha- what was—”
She let out a shriek when the second terrifying clap of thunder sped up her already racing heart.
The almost constant lightning sent dancing flashes of the darkened stable to her blurry eyes. Getting to her feet, she stumbled through the shadows, feeling around for the lamp. Intermittent flashes illuminated the stables enough for her to see Epona, tossing about her snowy mane as she paced nervously within her confines.
Jenevier heard Raven before she could actually see him. He was dark, the shadows swallowed him. But when the lamplight sparkled in his eyes, she knew… he was terrified beyond controlling.
Something bad is coming this way, something powerful. I smell anger swirling about me. I taste it on the air.
She tried to coax the maddened horse with coos and clicks. The next crack of thunder sent him rushing toward her gentle voice like a needy child. Rubbing his brow with both hands, she kissed his nose, speaking sweetly as she shushed away his fears.
Raven calmed with her touch. She felt his pulse slow, his breathing steady. He stilled. Yet his eyes remained wild, haunted.
“What a good boy. Shhh, now. It is but a little storm. No harm. It will soon pass. I’m here, old friend. I won’t leave you.”
She jumped when the raging wind rattled, banged, and then blew the stable doors open with a crash. Her sudden yelp caused Raven to jerk back his head.
A hauntingly familiar voice drifted down the hallway, swirling around her, rocking her already hazy mind. It mingled with a deep, hair-raising growl right before it was carried away by the wind. That strange growl left her frozen—frozen in shock, frozen in fear.
Raven jerked free, going mad within his stall. Epona kicked the walls, neighing loudly. Yet as quickly as it had rushed in, the wind died away, leaving an even eerier calmness hanging in the rain-soaked night air. She shuddered. Chills ran painfully down her spine.
She turned back to the horse. “R-Raven? Come here, boy.”
He only snorted, refusing her outstretched hand. She cautiously opened the stall door.
“Raven? It’s okay now, boy. I promise,” she coaxed.
When the terrified horse saw his glimpse of freedom, he bolted. Charging past her, Raven didn’t even notice when Jenevier grabbed his long mane. But the sheer force of this powerful steed slung his tiny owner half up on his back.
Managing to pull herself upright on the horrified beast, Jenevier wrapped her arms around his neck, closed her eyes, and held on for dear life. She could have jumped before he reached the now open barn doors, yes. But this was her beloved friend. She refused to let him experience this horrific fear alone.
The blinding rain felt like needles against her bare arms. She raised her head slightly, her sodden curls sticking to her face like a giant golden web. Seeing the western side of the forest fast approaching, Jenevier screamed out to Raven, pulling back hard on his mane. The placid lake lay just beyond that nearing tree line, but she knew the horse wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t hear her pleas. Couldn’t register her cries over the noise of thunder, and his own blind terror.
Mustering her courage, she laid her head upon his neck, wrapping her arms tightly around him. “Then, let it come swiftly,” she whispered.
She felt the ground soften beneath his massive hooves, saw the moonlight dancing across the tiny ripples. Jenevier laced her fingers through his beautiful, wavy mane, forcing the tears to stream back from her tightly closed eyes.
“I love you, Raven.” Desolate whispered words, sadly heard by no one, trailed off in the night air.
Her bitter tears mixed with the chilling rain, mingling sorrowfully together. There was a cold, wet rush. Then… complete darkness.