myself. The Tesla had a pretty good engineering and technical library. If it had survived I may have something to pass the time.
I opened the door to the base and looked around. I got settled and went to work. I was an engineer. Lets go engineer something!
Chapter 4
Present Day: Aboard the EOM Prosperous
The entire bridge crew was in shock at pictures sent by the destoyer’s showed a battle station on the screen.
Clearly built from an asteroid, the station was menacing looking with jagged edges and apparent spikes. Closer inspection showed it to be a crazy-quilt of wrecked ships and scap metal.
“Communications, contact Captain Buckley on the Redcoat. Have him close with that ‘station’ and scan it. Also contact Captain Richards,on the Jethro Gibbs. Tell him to scan the surrounding area. I’m worried about hidden ships or weapons.”
“Captain! The Redcoat reports they have been scanned by the station. Weapons guidance beams are locking on to them.”
Captain Carver turned to the communication ensign. “Tell Buckley not to provoke that station!”
“Sir, we have a signal coming in. It’s from the station.”
“Put it on screen.” The captain turned to look at the main screen.
The visual screen lit up to show a short, attractive blond woman with slight Asian features. She was wearing an obsolete Pan-Pacific Navy uniform with ensign rank showing.
“ Identify yourselves or be destroyed! ”
Captain Carver caught the eye of the ensign. “ Communications, send this please.” Carver straighten up. “This is Captain Carver of the Empire of Humanity ship Prosperous. I am in command of this patrol. Who are you?”
The ensign cocked her head to one side. “My name is Ensign Athena Lee of the Pan-Pacific League navy. Who or what is the Empire of Humanity? Are you allies with the Anglican Alliance?”
“Ensign? The PPL and the AA have been gone for 15 years. They don’t exist anymore. It is only the Empire now. Who are you really? Who built this station? ” Finding out who built that station was important.
The blond ensign looked angry. “ This is my station, I built it. I don’t believe you, Captain! ”
Not sure what to say the Captain was silent for a moment.
“So, what are you saying? Your empire just conquered everyone? Or are you trying to trick me? Is that what you are doing? Is it? “ The ensign was getting more and more erratic.
“Ensign after the battle that was fought, here, in this system. The peacemakers sat down and hammered out an accord. That accord is what founded our Empire. The war has been over for you a long time .” The Captain replied.
“ I’m afraid that I don’t believe you Captain. The PPL that I belong to would not do something like that. They would not just give up! I don’t respond well to tricks. Do not come any closer. Tell that sneaky destroyer to stop trying to flank the station. The area that it is sneaking through is filled with unexploded ordinance and junk. It is a huge minefield.”
Captain Carver whirled to his right. “Communications contact the Redcoat. Tell Captain Buckley to hold his position!”
On board the Redcoat, Captain Ringo Buckley was thinking about his future. He was envisioning himself riding to the rescue destroying the enemy. Ringo came from a family of warriors. There had been a Buckley fighting in every remembered conflict. In the was war a Buckley had fought on both sides.
When Ringo had gotten this assignment he had thought that HIS chance for fame and glory was never to be. A survey mission? No aliens to kill or hostages to free with something like that. Now finding a rogue station was like gold. This was his chance to have is name in the history books. His chance for personal glory. Hopefully that rogue station was full of pirates or terrorists.