anyone outside of a small group of highly specialized academics, and certainly without any controversy I am aware of that would endanger either myself or my wife. I brought Margaret along for a holiday. She went out shopping for antiques. Then she was gone. Please, Mr. Williams, I need your help. I am far from being a wealthy man, but I assure you, I will arrange to pay you whatever is required. On my honor.”
Raja already knew he was going to help Dr. Browning. The back of his head had been buzzing long before he called the professor. He had an ability for reading people and an internal sense for trouble that served him well in his chosen profession. However, it came with a price. The bigger the trouble, the more his head would ache. Right now there was a full percussion section pounding in the back of his skull. He would be taking this case. “Payment won’t be necessary,” said Raja. “You can cover some expenses if you would like, and provided I can help you, you will agree to return that help at some future time should I call on your services. Is that agreeable?”
“Yes. You have my word, and my deepest gratitude.”
“We shall see. I will make arrangements to be in Paris by tomorrow. I can reach you at this number?”
“Yes. Should I arrange to pick you up at the airport?”
“No need. I will see you day after tomorrow. I’ll call you once I’m on the ground in France. Meanwhile, stay in your hotel in case Margaret contacts you there.”
“I’m getting quite tired of hearing that, but I will do as you say.”
Raja called Gloria to make preparations for his trip to France. That included notifying Mickey, his pilot. Mickey O’Toole had been flying food and medicine to the needy in Africa when Raja first met him. Now he worked full-time for Raja flying his custom Hawker 1000 wherever a case required. When Mickey wasn’t taking Raja somewhere he ran paid charter flights on the side and maintained the jet.
“Gloria, can you find out where Mickey is? I’m going to need him.”
“Already spoke to ’im, bwoy. He just got back from a charter to British Columbia. He will have the plane serviced and fueled for a flight to France by early morning.”
Raja laughed. “So you knew I would take the case.”
“What me see, you see,” said Gloria, which was her way of saying they think alike.
Next Raja called the one person he wanted with him on all his cases. That is, if she wasn’t off on some crazy adventure of her own.
She answered right away. “Yo.”
“Vinny, it’s Raja. You busy?”
“Always, boss, you know that.”
“We have a case.”
“Tell me it’s in London. The Olympics are happening there as we speak.” Vinny was partial to athletes, having dated a few, and having a martial arts black belt herself.
“Sorry. Paris, France. You ready?”
“Born ready, you know that, Raj. When do we go?”
“Daybreak if the plane’s ready. But, I do have some research you can start on tonight, if you are willing.” Vinny had amazing computer skills, and was a top hacker who had once worked for the U.S. government until she purposely made herself more trouble than they could handle so they would cut her loose. Now she was a valued partner on all Raja’s cases.
“You know I can go all night if you need,” said Vinny. She also had the good fortune of being one of those rare individuals who only need two or three hours of sleep a night to regenerate completely.
“Come by the house,” said Raja. “I’ll give you what you need.”
“That’s what she said.” Vinny loved to push Raja buttons with the hipster lingo she was constantly picking up on the internet.
“Let me rephrase that. Come by and I’ll have the information you’ll need for your research.” With his Oxford education, Raja’s language sensibilities were an easy target. Despite her teasing, Vinny was his best friend.
Later at hishome on the north end of Clearwater Beach, Raja outlined what they knew. “Professor