A McKaslin Homecoming (The McKaslin Clan)

A McKaslin Homecoming (The McKaslin Clan) Read Free

Book: A McKaslin Homecoming (The McKaslin Clan) Read Free
Author: Jillian Hart
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the lady.” Caleb shook his head, tossing a look to her. “Lauren, he’s such a show-off. It’s okay to come on out. I could use a little help.”
    “You don’t look like it.”
    “It’s always good to share the load.” He snapped a rope onto the stomping horse. “You, buddy, calm down. Yes, we’re all impressed with you.”
    Lauren opened the door, watching as the other horses sidestepped in response. They watched her with what she hoped was interest—and not dislike. She felt very small next to the animals and she was in awe. Caleb snapped a rope onto another horse’s halter and the remaining two animals looked mischievously at the opening, beyond Caleb.
    “No, you don’t.” He’d noticed, too.“Lauren, would you mind standing behind me. These two still have a few ideas.”
    She was already moving through the sunbaked grass that tickled her ankles. “And exactly how do you think I’m going to stop them if they act on their ideas?”
    “Well, I’m banking on the hope that they’ll believe your bluff.”
    “I don’t bluff.”
    “We might be in trouble, then.” He didn’t look troubled by it as he went after horse number three.
    It was hard not to like Caleb, Lauren decided. The sunlight chose that moment to find him, highlighting his stony quiet strength. Like some Western hero of old, he approached the last free horse with a low word, brushed his big hand over the animal’s velvety nose. He made an image of rugged masculinity that made even her want to believe.
    “Lauren, would you mind driving the truck back for me? I’ve got my hands full.”
    “What about Malia?”
    “Don’t you worry, I’ve got her number.” He reached into the back of the truck and held out brown squares. It had to be somekind of horse treat. Amusement sparkled in his dark eyes. “Watch.”
    He offered a cube to each horse and, sure enough, the breathtaking white mare hung her head over the board-rail fencing, nickering for her share of the treats.
    “Sorry, Malia. You’ve got to come to me if you want some.” Caleb didn’t seem too troubled. As he gave attention to the other horses, Malia sailed back over the fence and pranced up to him, expecting her treat.
    Wow. Lauren held down a sigh. The wind blew against her face, tangling her hair and breezing over her like a reassuring touch. It wasn’t a sign from above, really, although the warm peace of the afternoon did feel like a rare blessing. The struggle of her life seemed far away.
    She was glad that she’d come all this way.

Chapter Two
    “W hat are you doing carrying your own bags?” Caleb didn’t mean to startle her, but he could see by the look on her face that he had. There she was, teetering up the walkway toward the porch steps, a heavy, battered duffel in each hand. While the bags weren’t big, they were heavy. He remembered that. “Put ’em down. You’re in Montana now. I can’t let a woman do the heavy work while I watch.”
    “Isn’t that a little chauvinist?”
    “Maybe where you’re from, but I call it doing the right thing.” He crossed over Mary’s lawn. “Besides, you don’t know where you’re going.”
    “Uh, how about into the house?”
    “So you think.” What was a guy to do? “It’s one thing to have an independent streak, it’s another to let a man stand around gettin’ lazy.”
    That made her smile and he liked this because her shyness faded away and her unique loveliness shone.
    “One thing I don’t approve of is a lazy man.” Amusement warmed the violet of her eyes. “I suppose I should put you to work and keep you respectably useful.”
    “Exactly. It’s for the greater good.”
    She lowered the bags with a thud at his feet.
    “Mary has the carriage house ready for you, out back.” He got a good grip on the crackled handles of the bags and heaved. “Are there rocks in here? Weights? Or really big shoes?”
    That explained it. He’d noticed the backpack. “Are you a student?”

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