version of a lemonade
stand.” Now it was Waverly’s turn to roll her eyes again. “You’re
missing one key element my dear” Waverly simply stated. “Oh
man…heavy sigh…and what would that be my darling?” Astrid said
sarcastically. The element known as “we have no idea what we’re
doing.” Astrid just shrugged her shoulders, “so, we’ll only charge
a dollar, people can’t expect 100% accuracy for a dollar.”
Chapter 6
The next morning after breakfast, the girls
walked to the craft store for supplies. Fabric for the card table,
they thought that black and purple would seem more “occult” not
that they had any idea what that word meant, it just sounded cool
and like something neither of their parents would approve of. They
also bought paint and glitter. In the front yard of the QAV they
got to work on their signs. When they were done, the signs read: TAROT READINGS : KNOWLEDGE OF THE UNKNOWN by
Mistresses Astrid and Waverly. “Don’t you think we should actually
learn something about tarot cards? I mean before we try to tell
anyone anything? Waverly asked. Astrid was trying to decide where
to place the card table on the porch. “Well, I have been reading
about the possible meanings of the cards, and I think we should
just start with the Minor Arcana.“What in the world are you even
talking about?” Waverly asked as she continued to arrange and then
re-arrange the fabric on the table. “Well, my grandma bought me The
Hipster-Gypsy-Coffeehouse deck of cards and it has directions and
meanings printed right on the cards , it’s a set for beginners.
There are two “sets” of cards within the deck; The Major Arcana,
and The Minor Arcana. There are four suits in the minor arcana and
they correspond with the four elements.” Waverly was trying to
understand what Astrid was saying, but to her it sounded a lot like
Astrology. “Believe me, I’m confused too but I’m trying to explain
it the way that it makes sense to me. Ok, there are four suits:
cups, pentacles, swords, and wands. Each suit goes with a certain
element. So, it goes like this: Cups with Water, that’s an easy
one. Pentacles are with the Earth. Wands are paired with Fire. And
last, Swords with Air.” Waverly was braiding her hair and trying to
make sense of all of this. “I think I kinda get it, but what do
they all mean?” Astrid wasn’t quite sure of the answer…yet. “I
think that depends on who you ask.” Astrid opened the deck of cards
and unfolded the instructions. “This is what it says on the
instructions: Cups have to do with feelings, Pentacles are kind of
like money/jobs, Swords have to do with thoughts or intelligence
and Wands mean ideas.” Waverly was looking at all the cards in the
deck. They had all kinds of weird images of people holding various
items. Kings and Queens holding cups of coffee, an archer shooting
locally sourced, reclaimed wooden arrows into the Air, and cruelty
free Swords. Whatever that meant. Waverly was more confused than
ever and had no idea how they were going to make heads or tails out
of these cards, let alone read them, but she supposed they would
cross that bridge when they came to it.
Chapter 7
“I think we’ll have to practice on reading
each other. At least until we get the hang of it.” Astrid said as
they began organizing. Waverly was almost one hundred percent sure
her mother would not like this at all, so it seemed like a good
idea to her. “Well, I suppose we should start now….Ass-trid.” The
two girls chuckled and continued working on their new profession.
When they had finally gotten the table set up and strung little
white lights around the porch, it was starting to get dusk outside.
Astrid’s grandma would call this “The Witching Hour” when the light
left this world on its journey to the next. It used to scare Astrid
when she was little, she imagined witches carrying off the light to
somewhere else, but she had learned in science last year that