up his mind it was the smart decision. The safe decision. But the truth was, he could not bring himself to do it.
The Howards needed him. He had a duty to fulfill.
Yes. You keep telling yourself that little white lie…
He’d simply have to keep his feelings in check. He could never allow another moment like last night to happen. Ever. And one like in her dream… he shuddered.
No. Just… no. He could be her friend, her confidant as always, but keep an unclimbable wall between them.
He made his way down the stairs to see Charlie and Michael coming in from the yard in the back. They were covered in splotches of dirt from head to toe.
“We were planting and weeding in the garden and greenhouse,” Michael explained.
Emily hopped across the room and planted a kiss on his lips.
“Wants me even when I’m covered in dirt.” He nipped at her nose.
“You’re even more handsome covered in dirt. Planting a garden is totally hot.”
“Seriously! You're playing right to his ego!” Melinda gagged. “More important things to discuss, anyway,” she reminded Emily.
“Right, of course.” She backed away.
“What’s up?” Michael washed up at the sink. He shook his head and sighed before Melinda answered. “You’re drenched in freaking out .”
“Is that even a real… never mind?” Melinda shot him a nasty glare for using his empathic ability on her. “Anyway, there’s a good reason I’m in freak out mode.” There were many actually, but only one they needed to know right now.
“What is it?” urged Charlie, sounding overly eager. “Whatever it is, I can take care of it.”
“It is not exactly a taking-care-of-it type situation, Charlie. More like a something we need to be aware of and watch out for, situation.”
“I can still handle it.” Charlie clapped his hands together. “Just tell me what you need done.”
“What is up with you today?” Melinda put her hands on her hips, amused by her brother's behavior. He looked nearly ready to jump out of his seat.
“He’s been like this all morning,” muttered Michael with an eye roll.
“Sorry.” Charlie cleared his throat, forcing himself to sit down. “Didn’t sleep last night, but I am wired this morning. Ready to try on my new life I guess… speaking of my new life,” he lifted his hand, nodding toward the black ring on his finger, gifted from the Guardian, Nina. “As I said, I didn't sleep last night, so I had plenty of time to think about some things.”
“Um, okay,” shrugged Melinda, now sidetracked.
Charlie gazed at her and Michael. “I have decided that I don't want the two of you on the front lines anymore. I have the ring now. I'm protected. You guys are not.”
“I don't know as that's your decision,” Michael argued. “And sometimes, there is no choice.”
“And how is this new?” Melinda pointed out. “You've sort of always taken lead Charlie.” She glanced at William for backup.
“While I may agree with what Melinda and Michael are saying, I have to agree more with Charlie,” William spoke evenly. Before any argument broke out, William clarified his stance. “If it is a situation Charlie can manage, I suggest we allow this. He has protection, you two do not. There is no need to take unnecessary risks.”
Charlie nodded firmly in agreement.
“Fine. Whatever,” Melinda caved. “Still more important things to discuss anyway.”
“Oh, right. Sorry,” said Charlie. “What's up?”
Melinda inhaled deeply and upon exhaling, she revealed, “The Deanes are back on The Demon Isle.”
“Oh,” stammered Charlie.
“What do you mean, back?” It wasn’t sinking into Michael’s head yet.
“I mean back. Like living here again. I don’t know how many of them there are. Grace met two of them this morning when they came into her café for coffee. She said they talked about coming up to the house and meeting us. Face to face.”
“No Deane will step foot inside this house!” determined Charlie.