the journey they were preparing to embark upon and words of sorrow for the homes
and family they were leaving behind.
four of them wove through the waves of faces and languages, fighting not to
lose each other. Chastity followed
James’s back closely, not daring to grab his hand now that she was dressed as
young Mr. Chase Cochrane. Behind her,
her grandmother clung to her youngest “grandson’s” elbow. Chase stole a glance at Reese and her grandmother,
noting the look of discomfort and fear on her sister’s face. She looked positively awkward in her
trousers and shirt.
loud deep belching horn sounded suddenly, bringing her attention back to the
example of enormity and extravagance that loomed before her. It was time to board. Already, passengers stood around the
railing of the main deck, waving to family members and strangers alike. James pushed the three women through
the crowd until they stood at the foot of the ramp leading to the ship.
grandmother, never one to abide strictly to the laws of their rigid society,
took James in a firm embrace and planted a dry kiss on his cheek. “You take care of yourself, James. And try to be of some comfort to my son
and your aunt. I expect they won’t
understand why we are abandoning them. And the girls’ mother is going to certainly fall ill worrying about the
gossip of the ton. They will
undoubtedly and conveniently forget that they have brought this upon
themselves. I imagine their
efforts to disguise their embarrassment as grief in the public eye is going to
get rather tiresome and annoying. But he is still my son, and she is still his wife. So try to be of some comfort to them,
Colchester,” he replied, “you remind me that I would be better off buying a
ticket for myself and escorting the three of you to America.” He grinned at her and lifted her soft
hand to a sweet kiss. “I will keep
an eye on them. Rest assured.”
you, James. And may God bless
you,” Lady Colchester said sternly. She patted his cheek in a perfectly maternal fashion and then turned to
board the ship.
shook Reese’s hand and frowned when her handshake proved to be too flimsy. Immediately, she corrected her error
with a smile.
bye, James. Write to us, won’t
you?” she asked sweetly.
course, sir,” he responded with another grin.
was the last to say farewell.
your bosom, Chase. You will have a
difficult time passing as a young man unless we can somehow bind you,” her grandmother
pointed out.
looked down at the full breasts she had been cursing for the past four years,
and cursed them one more time for good measure. “Dammit,” she muttered.
her sister scolded.
perfect,” James argued. “In fact,
you must both feel free to use profanity liberally once you’re on board.”
course,” their grandmother agreed. “It’s one of those things that men do when a lady isn’t present. It’s important that Reese and Chase
both get used to hearing and using those words without blushing.”
Colchester ushered Reese out of the room, leaving James and Chase. He had only nine days to turn her
sister and her from London ladies to convincing young men. He looked back at Chase and studied her
from head to toe. His gaze
lingered a moment too long on her breasts, and he hid his smile behind his hand
as he rubbed his face in mock frustration.
bugger off, James,” she cursed.
James had always been like a
brother to Chastity, but
Janwillem van de Wetering