toward them. He wore a dull gray suit, a wing-collar and black bow-tie, and a few strands of black hair were carefully combed across his bald scalp. He stopped before them, inclining his head deferentially, yet managing to convey a proper impression of hauteur, and murmured, “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Oh, yes,” Celia breathed, her blue eyes sparkling.
The floorwalker inclined his head again and said, “If you’d care to be comfortable at one of these tables—He led the way down the length of the room, past half a dozen couples browsing at the showcases, to a cozily curved love seat in front of a small table holding a crystal ash tray, cigarette humidor, and a large silver table lighter. He stood aside until they seated themselves, then suggested, “If you’d care to give me an idea of what you have in mind, I will be happy to assign a clerk for further consultation.”
Mark Dustin turned to look at his wife’s eager face. “What do we have in mind, Ceil?”
Her face was radiantly flushed and her eyes were big with anticipation and interest as she surveyed the long rows of showcases discreetly lighted with individual fluorescent lights to best show off the gleaming jewels displayed inside. She laid her shining head on his shoulder and whispered, “Could we go look, Mark darling? Do we have to just sit here like dummies?”
“That’s the protocol of a dump like this,” he whispered cheerfully. “We’ll run ’ em ragged bringing us things until we see something we like.” To the waiting floorwalker he explained, “This is a very particular occasion. I don’t know what my wife has in mind, but I’ve an idea she’s the type to wear rubies.”
“Rubies? Yes sir. Very good sir.”
The floorwalker went to the rear to confer with a trio of lesser employees who were waiting patiently for the jewel-gazers at the showcases to express their desires.
Celia seized the opportunity to squeeze park’s arm and whisper, “Everything in the showcases looks so beautiful, but this place frightens me. Won’t everything be horribly expensive?”
“Probably.” His manner was that of graceful nonchalance and he laid his palms open in a gesture. “But we can be sure of getting what we pay for in Voorland’s place.”
A clerk came up to their table. He was young and tall and skinny. He wore thick glasses and had a prominent Adam’s apple. It bobbed up and down as he said, “Mr. Thurston suggests you are interested in rubies.”
“It was just a thought,” said Mark. “We might end up with an emerald necklace. Trot something out for us to look at.”
“Of course. For the lady, I presume. A pendant, perhaps? Or a pin for evening wear ?”
Mark scowled at him. “Do I look like a guy who would want a pendant or a pin for a wife like mine?” He turned to Celia and asked, “What do you think, dear? I had thought of a glamorous bracelet.”
“Oh, Mark, I’d love seeing everything before I make up my mind. I’m terribly confused. Everything is so beautiful—”
The clerk cleared his throat and his Adam’s apple raced up and down. “May I ask what price range you are interested in, sir? The ruby is an extremely expensive gem, particularly in the larger sizes.”
“So I’ve heard.” For the first time in her life Celia discerned a tone of sarcasm in his voice. “The sky is the limit if you’ve anything that appeals to my wife.” His arm closed around her and drew her close to him.
“Yes, indeed. I quite understand,” said the clerk nervously. He turned and went into an anteroom.
“I’ve always heard that rubies were awfully expensive, Mark darling,” Celia said, snuggling against him. “You know I don’t care whether it’s expensive or not. You’ve made me so happy just remembering our second anniversary—”
“Did you think for a moment I’d forget it, Ceil?” His arm tightened almost hurtingly around her slender waist as he drew her to him. She looked up to see his