had an eye for the more feminine and educated girls that wore heels and business skirts and worked in offices downtown. A sweet girl with a good head on her shoulders is what he pined for, but with his tattoos and biker reputation, most of them ran in the other direction before he could get to know them.
“Let me show you around the shop.”
Lily had taken her place back behind the desk and smiled at Ginger as she walked by, then nodded to Justin, as if to say, “You better get her number.” Justin was way ahead of her.
Ginger took the report form and clipboard out of her satchel. She took her job seriously and wasn’t about to be swayed by the rugged handsomeness of the man before her, although, she admitted to herself, it was difficult not to stare at him. She wondered if he knew that her ravenous eyes were caressing his body, and when she looked away she couldn’t help but fantasize about being swept up like a rag doll by one of his strong, manly arms.
Justin’s mind was wrapped up in the living doll beside him too. It wasn’t often he was left spellbound by a woman’s beauty. Her looks had him salivating, but it wasn’t just what was up her skirt that interested him. Her friendly yet professional manner, the intelligence that shone through her bright eyes, and the strength that was so obvious behind her tender frame all gave him a weak feeling in the pit of his stomach that was unfamiliar too him. Of course, her skirt allowed Justin to drink in her long legs, which didn’t hurt in the least. He tried not to stare at her tiny ass in the tight skirt, but he stole a glance every chance he could get.
He could see the rest of the guys snickering in the corner. Bunch of lame asses, he thought. He loved them, but, damn, he didn’t want them to mess it up for him.
“I can answer any questions you might have,” Justin said as he showed Ginger around the auto body shop.
“Oh, I’ve done auto shops before, but thanks,” Ginger answered. She could have kicked herself as she turned away from his disappointed face. She was so used to being independent and businesslike that she didn’t recognize the moments she should invite someone into her space, especially the gorgeous Justin. She would be inviting him into more than that before too long.
Ginger turned around just as Justin was ready to walk back into the front office.
“Wait, why don’t you show me the shop’s ventilation system.”
Justin smiled and said, “Right this way.”
Ginger made her inspection of the ventilation system and took a reading of the oxygen levels in the painting room. Everything seemed to be in order. She was slightly surprised, not expecting state of the art equipment, but the owners did a good job of keeping the environment healthy for the workers.
When Ginger finished, she let Justin know everything was in working order.
“You’ll be getting a Class-A rating, Mr. Taylor. Your equipment complies with all of my requirements…” And so does you body, she thought. “…and it’s very well-maintained too.”
“Well, thank you, ma’am…uh, Mrs. Lawrence.”
Screw the “Ms.” thing at a time like this, she thought. “It’s Miss Lawrence, but please call me Ginger. You run a clean shop here, Mr. Taylor.”
“Call me Justin.”
She made some notations on her report and then, with her white teeth gleaming behind her full red lips, she said, “Well, Justin, I’d rather eat in your shop than in a lot of the restaurants I’ve inspected.”
They both did a polite laugh, but his little fishing expedition had gotten him the information he was looking for – plus a shoehorn into a lunch date. “So…Ginger, you’re pretty far from your office back in town, and it is lunch time. Why don’t you let me take you to get a bite? Most of the diners around here are inspected by Ricky, so you might get food poisoning if I’m not there to guide you.”
Justin gave her a boyish grin, but Ginger’s jaw dropped from the