chests and stretched belts posing as skirts and knew most any one of them would entertain him tonight. And by gosh, he was gonna get some action tonight.
He had been drinking steadily for a couple of hours, but he was a big man at nearly six feet tall and over two hundred twenty pounds of muscle, so he could hold his liquor. Just because he hadn’t gone on a good bender in a while, didn’t mean he still didn’t know how to do it.
There she was. A young waitress with long, blonde hair like a beach babe and pretty blue eyes—he thought—he couldn’t get past her chest when he tried to look up at her eyes—sat across from him at the table.
“Do you need to talk?” she asked in a soft-spoken voice.
“You’re pretty,” he told her bosom.
“I’m off work if you need to talk.” She sounded too… nice .
“I don’t wanna talk. I want some ack…shun!” He hiccupped.
“I think your friend will be here soon. We can talk until he gets here, though.” Why did he have the only woman in the place who wanted to talk at his table? And what about his friends?
“I don’t wanna talk about my friends.” Well, lookie there! Her eyes were blue. “All my friends are stoo-pid. Logan got hisself married to Em…Emly. Brody’s poplar. Didja know women don’t pay no tention to me if Brody’s around? But he don’t wanna get no ack shun anymore. He’s buried…married to Abby. She’d beat the livin’ daylights outta any woman who tried to mess with Brody.” He leaned closer so he could warn her. “If Brody ever comes in here, ya better jiss stay away. Okay?” He hiccupped again.
Her head was moving up and down so he felt like his should too. All this nodding made him feel kind of sick, though. He’d try shaking his head instead. That should fix everything.
The waitress reached across the table and gently placed her hand over his. Her hand was beautiful. He was just going to look at her hand for a while. He was finished talking.
“Do you have any other friends?” The lady with the soft hand was talking to him again.
“I have stoo-pid friends, I tole you. Coop…the idiot…married Marie. They were practicalally living together. He didn’t hafta marry her to get what he wanted. But he did anyway. Matt’s been married for–ev–er. Him and Lisa haf a liddle boy. Cole…Colton has a hot wife. She’s got red hair and she’s really, really hot. But she’d slap me if I tole her that.”
He shook his head sadly, almost hitting the table with it as he lost his balance for a moment.
“Jake…Jake was like me. He liked women. He got ack shun. He liked haffing fun if ya know what I mean.” He tried to wink, but he was pretty sure both of his eyes closed for a moment. They felt kind of good that way. But he had to tell this beautiful hand about Jake. “Then Jake got hisself a girlfriend. Tish…Tricia…that’s her name. She ruined my best partyin’ buddy.”
The beautiful hand patted his. Now, there were two beautiful hands on his. Why had she suddenly grown an extra hand? Wait a minute. He had two hands up there, too. If he was gonna see two of everything, he was gonna look at her chest again.
“So, none of your friends are single anymore?” Why did she sound so sad? Were all her friends stupid too?
Did he have any friends who were single? He snorted. “Jesse don’t got a girl. But he’s so tall and skinny, he’d hafta find a woman with vizzun problems before she’d luck at him.” A picture came into his mind. It made him sad. “And Bo…Bo says it bites, but he don’t really think it bites anymore, on accountta he’s got Jan, and Sef, and now he’s gotta baby girl. He’s gotta baby girl. Her name is Loooo see.”
The lady had four eyes. They were pretty eyes. She was lucky to have four pretty eyes. Why was she looking at him like that? He wasn’t stupid like his friends.
“You don’t hafta feel sorry for me. I’m not gonna be an idd…idiot and seddle down. I’m only twenny…”